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My goodness Melissa. You certainly have been through a lot this year. I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. My prayer is that it is benign and the doctors will find that out soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...

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Thanks everyone - I just went out for coffee with my sister and she said he's going for some tests tomorrow to find out more.


I don't even know how he found out he had a tumor...he was perfectly fine when I talked to him just a few days ago. It's so scary to think that things like this can just come out of nowhere.


I think what's upsetting me most is how upset my dad is over it - I haven't seen him torn up over something like this in a long long time. I can't imagine how much worse he'll feel if it turns out to be malignant.


I think everyone is feeling kind of guilty right now because when my uncle walked out of Chris' life none of us really bothered to keep in contact with him (although in my defense I was pretty young too and didn't really understand what was going on). And now there's something wrong with him and I think everyone's worrying about how they didn't spend the time with him that they should have.


Blah sorry I'm totally rambling...I'll keep you all updated when I find out more. Fingers crossed it's nothing big!!


Thanks again to all of you. This has been such a tough year for me and you've all helped me tremendously!!

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