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A bit sad today!


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So my FI and I decided to move to Toronto from Vancouver a few months ago. We had discussed moving out there in the fall some time, more like around September 30th. We're moving because we're both career driven and for both of us the majority of head offices are in Toronto. Vancouver is great for the service industry, construction etc... but not so much for Trading and Business/Finance. So this weekend we discussed what's best for us and moving, and it made sense for Michael (my FI) to move out there at the beginning of July (July 2nd to be exact). He's going to be living with my brother downtown, free of rent which is huge. My brother works on the trading floor at RBC so he can help my FI enter the industry, network etc... So as for me, well I'm staying here with our two cats for now. At the moment my job pays the most plus gives us the best medical insurance, so this way I'll continue to support us. I'm also taking some certificate courses so that I can move up in my industry, and these won't be completed until the end of September. The plan is for him to find a job, find an apartment and then for me to move out there when everything is set. I'm super excited that we have a plan, and that ultimately this is the safest and best decision for us. But I can't help but be a bit sad too. I'm sort of looking around and realizing that we've only got 2 months left, and then I'll be alone again. Ok, thanks for letting me vent...I've been doing it all day!! (I think I'm secretly procrastinating working and studying for my upcoming exam..haha) I feel better already! smile123.gif friday.gif

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Thanks so much everyone! You're all making me feel better already. I'm sure I'll be fine, we only decided on Saturday so I think it will take a couple of days to really be ok with it. Most of the time I'm fine but then once in a while I remember and then I get a bit down. You have all been super supportive :) thank you! and its not like we're new at it...we did the long distance thing before but at least this time I have a ring...haha! yey!


and the kitty cats totally help...i'll be the new crazy cat lady! cheesy.gif I kind of wish I had a dog though, just because I'm a giant baby and get super freaked at night alone...the crim courses I took didn't do anything for my fear...its like with more knowledge comes greater fear. Its probably because I'm more aware of the crazy things people can do to one another, although statistically its very rare.

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I know exactly how you are feeling. I work as a traveling nurse and for the past few years my FI and I have spent a lot of time apart. As a traveling nurse I am able to live rent free as my company provides housing for me when I'm on an assignment. So that will be awesome for your FI to be able to live rent free for awhile. Think of the money he will save! You guys can do it! You will definitley have your lonely days.........but remember that it is only temporary. After it's over, you'll look back and be amazed at how fast that time went.

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