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I (think) I lost my E-ring!!!


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Adding on to the list of last minute stressful issues going on with my DW, I now think I have lost my E-ring!! We have searched our apartment high and low x3 and it is NOT here!!! My mom has looked in her apartment and we have checked the cars. All that is left to search is my office tomorrow which I am praying it will be in.


Its 100% my fault too!!! I started developing these nasty habits with it the last few months because of its size. Itâ€s a pretty expensive piece and very top heavy. Put it this way, I've resized it 3 times and it still didnâ€t fit properly. It went from a size 7 (as purchased) down to a 5 which was as small as it was physically able to be made. Then 2 "balls" were soldered to it to size it down once more to a 4.5, which was still slightly big. Now with the recent weight loss, it was NOT fitting my ring finger anymore and I started to wear it on my middle finger. Because of the discomfort in looseness, I was unconsciously switching it on my fingers, putting it down when typing, or taking it off when eating...it was just starting to get into "slip off" size too sad.gif


To make matters worse, I cannot remember my exact footsteps from the last few days… Iâ€ve been on a deadline rollercoaster with work, my BP, and so on!! FI is trying to be as supportive as possible, but you can totally see this look of disappointment being masked. He feels so very bad for me, but of course itâ€s natural for him to be just as upset with my irresponsibility sad.gif sad.gif


Ughhh I just want to crawl in a hole and never come out right now sad.gif

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When is the last time you remember seeing it? I lost my camera once. I looked everywhere ( I had just got it) UP and DOWN my house, my moms house my truck my work I was so freaking upset ( I know not quite the same as an E ring) I sat down and made myself calm down and really thought about it. For three days I thought and thought. Then out of nowhere.... I remember putting it in my Bowling bag of all places!!! I never bowl I just went with my friends and brought my camera and never took the pictures. I was in a rush and threw it in the bag without thinking. POINT being just rethink everything you have done since the last time you KNOW you had it. You will find it sweetie. smile03.gif I'll say a prayer to St. Anthony. (that always works for me)

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OMG, I can only imagine how much you must be freaking out. I don't know if you believe in prayers, but if you do say one to St. Anthony, it always works for me. I know you've been crazy, but try to sit quietly and retrace your footsteps. Fingers crossed for you...

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I lost these beautiful earrings my grandma gave me. I was so upset with myself. One day I found them in the pocket of a bag I never used. No idea why they were there.


I also lost a watch once. I tore the place up looking for it. I gave up & bought another. Then one day I went to sell an old printer on ebay. The watch was inside the printer.


I really hope your ring shows up. Sometimes you have to stop looking to find it. You could get a silver & CZ temporary ring. Sterling Silver Jewelry & Cubic Zirconia Jewelry @ Inspired Silver

This website has beautiful stuff.

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I'm so sorry... I can only imagine what you may be feeling. As difficult as it may be - I agree with the girls above - try to calm you mind, sit down and just think. Usually when we've lost something... it was when we put it in a random place, out of the norm. Crossing my fingers for you that you make a quick recovery.

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