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OOT and guest arriving at different times

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I have given this a lot of thought too....since our wedding is in Charleston and not everyone is staying in the same place that we are sooooo.....I am keeping close track of where everyone is staying. Since Tim and I, my parents and one of my bridesmaids are going to be there the Sunday before the wedding (Friday ceremony) we are going to drive all over hell's half acre to drop them off......we are expecting about 90 guests. I have a feeling that this is really going to stress me out.....lol!

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Well I am glad that I'm not the only one who is worried about when to give them out.


I'm thinking that it will be after we go to town- I really want some Mexican flar to put in them.


What local things are you thinking about putting in them? In fact, what are you putting in your OOT bags? What is your price list per bag? Are you worried about your guests reactions to them?



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You will find a ton of info an here... just search around in this section of the forum. Once in mexico we are planning on adding hot sauce (not for them to use while on their trip, but to take home as souvenir), and mexico playing cards.thats probably it. We were going to get pens as well... but you can buy mexican pens for cheaper online beforehand. We were also going to buy postcards in mexico, but Vista print works out to be WAY cheaper!

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Hi Heather,


Im doing OOT/Welcome bags as well, and you dont "necessarily" have to have the bags in the room before your guests arrive if you dont want to since that can be more tedious then easy at times. I decided to have a "meet & greet"/welcome dinner @ one of the resort's restaurants where Im getting married , around the 1st night that most my guests would be arriving- that way we can give them their OOT bags then. That was easier for me, cause I didnt hvae time to track everyone down to put in rooms before they arrive, plus it was too much trouble coordinating with the hotel staff to either let us in each of their rooms and I didnt trust they would take care of all of that themselves, so it was easier for me to just give them all at once time! :)


re: your 2nd question- since we are just giving them at the welcome dinner, we are taking the

2nd day we are there as well to pick up local trinkets as well for our bags. There is tons of places to get this type stuff on 5th Ave.. we are getting local candies, travel maps for each bag and hopefully a few coupons forlocal bars, etc in the areas that guests can use when hanging on the strip. I already have lip balm, suncreen, agenda/welcome letters and I also added a personalized thank you note( with each guest's name) for each bag. Hope this helps!! Just a different suggestion since the other way was too stressful for me! Gotta find other ways to make things easier for the bride!!

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I was wondering about the same thing because there is a $5 fee/room to have our bags delivered at the resort, but I didn't want to seem in poor taste to not have them waiting in their rooms. I decided to go ahead and hand them out at the weekend kickoff cocktails since a lot of folks are going to be on our flight. Besides this will give me time to assembly them w/out stressing about beating guests to their rooms.

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