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Our Engagement Pics are Tuesday!

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i'm gonna post after #38 the link and password to view our pics! they came back super fast!!

i only actually love about 3 of them, then i like about 4 more, the rest i can do without. you know how you get all super picky about them! only 1 of them has been retouched, the color one at the beginning. the rest are still proofs. enjoy!





Looks like we'll get to do them tonight (THURS 24APR)! The forecast calls for skies clearing to partly sunny this afternoon!! YAY SO EXCITED!!




I just realized we're doing our engagment pics on Tuesday! I'm so excited! We're going to Alki beach which is about 5 minutes from our house in West Seattle. Pray for sun! Doug and I have NEVER had formal pics taken of us, and I'm looking forward to having some finally! :)


Our photog says we should have proofs online about 2 days after, and I'm going to try my damndest to get some up here for you guys BUT, I don't have high hopes. Altho he takes digital pics, he does not do slideshows or give our proofs on CD, he's VERY protective of his rights as the "owner" of his art, which I can understand, BUT I'm SO wishing I would have known my options before booking him. I LOVE his work, but if I would have done more research beforehand, well, you know. Anyways, I'm hoping the pics on the website he gives us will be "right-clickable" so I can save them and show you guys, otherwise I'll have to wait until the ones we order come in and then I can scan them for you.


At the very least I hope I'll have the kind of website from him where I can give you guys the password and you can check them out for yourselves!

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abbie even if its not right clickable, theres a function on mac to do a photo screen grab that you cant do on a pc, i can log into your proofs and do the grabs for you!

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MAURA!! you are fast becoming a better friend than i ever hoped to have :) i will get you the info if i'm not able to do what i'd like. THANKS!

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Oh, I loved doing the e-pics, it was so much fun. We never had formal pictures of us either - every picture of us was Aaron's arm around me, both of us smiling. Yep, real creative. It's nice to see the two of us captured in candid moments.


Hopefully we can get a sneak peek, seeing as we don't seem to be very patient people on here... but if we HAVE to wait, we will! :)

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Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
Hopefully we can get a sneak peek, seeing as we don't seem to be very patient people on here... but if we HAVE to wait, we will! :)
haha, yeah, we'll do anything for pics, even wait! wink.gif
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