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Target Dollar Spot Disposable Cameras

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I stopped by Target today and found disposable wedding cameras in the Dollar Section!!!! smile29.gif


Its a very simple camera, with a white cover around them that reads 'Our Wedding Memories' on the front. It has only 12 exposures. But on the back, it has instructions for the guests as follows:


To Our Guest

Please use this camera to take candid pictures of all our friends and family...the fun, the special moments and of course those not-to-be forgotten shots. When all the pictures are taken just leave the camera on the table. Pass the cameras around, let everyone enjoy the fun.


Then it has directions on how to use the camera, lol (I guess for those who have gotten used to digital technology!)


I know most of my guests (if not all) will have digital cameras, but I'm thinking about using these as our photo share, photo scavenger hunt, or in the OOT bags (havent quite decided yet), and make sure we collect them b4 our guests depart the D.R.


Just thought I'd share :~)

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Originally Posted by StephanieMN View Post
I saw them too, pretty cool. Just an FYI I am pretty sure they don't have a flash so be warned that if there isn't enough sun/light they will be dark. I hope I am wrong and they do or at least they put a high speed film in there.
Great point! I think they would be perfect for OOT bags.
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