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I think Melissa had a good idea of printing one as a test. I am not an experienced DIY but there has to be a solution out there for you. I now Sandra (Sondria) used vistaprint for her invites, etc.

Keep your head up everything will work out.

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I love DIY projects and have yet to see one that wasn't great. If you put your all into it I am sure it will look great. Every single invite is going to look different just like every bride looks different on her wedding day. So don't stress and go get one printed to see if you like it. If you don't, change what you don't like and be happy with what you do like.

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Please do not get yourself crazy over this stuff. Trust me, in a couple of years you are going to wonder what you were so upset over. We used Vista Print for our announcements and AHR invites that we designed ourselves and loved the job they did. You can upload your own designs and formats. They are also super cheap. I would highly recommend them. As for your FMIL, get your FI to field that one and get her off your back. I find if you just smile pretty, say you will take her thoughts into consideration, and do what want to do regardless, everything works out fine. Good Luck!

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Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
YOu will be fine! Yes, post a proof of what you've got so far and we are always happy to provide feedback.
My thoughts, exactly! I made my own STD's and Invites AND used an at home printer. I don't think they came out bad at all. Its all about the design. What do you have in mind. Are you thinking of using one of Staples' ?
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Just ignore any negative comments your MIL makes. You put your heart and effort into making your stationary the way you invisioned. What you can do is look around for more ideas and just tweak it a little. If you still have time, try to recreate or make it a little similar like the one from Staples. Remember, this is your wedding and you do it the way you want to. Good luck!

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I wouldn't stress to much either. When I first printed mine I thought they looked stupid, but once I put the whole thing together (ie- pasted them on card stock, etc) it looked like it should. I printed mine at work so it wasn't like I used any type of fancy print.


Post a proof on here- so many girls can provide helpful feedback. I've seen lots of projects magically created that way. :)


As for the MIL- don't stress. Just be nice to her but ignore what she says. If you let her comments about the wedding planning get to you, you end up bothered by her for the next 50+ years. Next it will be babies and her giving every last direction there too. Try to let it roll off your shoulders- its not worth the stress.

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Thanks for the encouraging words everyone...smile03.gif...much appreciated. I tried unsuccessfully coverting this document into a picture to avoid you having to download, but had no luck - sorry. I've attached the STD in a PDF document. Please let me know what you think. I value your opinions, so please be honest and I welcome any suggestions.


My sister, who is a budding architect and part-time graphic designer, took pity yesterday and offered to help me out....BUT in June. God bless her; she's in the thick of a master's program now, so I didn't want to bother her. I think with the help of the forum though I can get it together. I plan on saving that lifeline until I need help in putting the invitations together.


I definitely look into Vista for printing!


Thanks, everyone. Jamie.




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YAAY!!! Thanks, StephanieMN. The yellow and green are my wedding colours. I'll make sure to move the names down, so the letters aren't cut off. I'll be printing them on an off-white cardstock, then they'll be cut out to look like luggage tags. The circle at the top is the guide for the hole punch and I'll be tying green satin ribbon at the top of the tag thru the hole. As soon as I print a test, I will post for you to see.

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