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Tami (foxytv's) Planning Pics

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I can't believe we are leaving in three days! I am looking around the dining room at all of the stuff I still have to do! BUT, I've already gotten a lot packed and finished!


Anyway ... here are some of my planning pics (will be in several posts):


Starting out with the outfits and accessories:


The dress:

Click the image to open in full size.


The dress bustled:

Click the image to open in full size.


w/ Veil:

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The shoes:

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The purse (thanks to my Secret Bunny -- DREA!):

Click the image to open in full size.


My ring:

Click the image to open in full size.


His ring:

Click the image to open in full size.


MOH Dress:

Click the image to open in full size.


BM dresses (in champagne color that matches MOH dress color):

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GM shirts (Tom is wearing his military dress blues and then changing for the reception):

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Ringbearer Outfits:

Click the image to open in full size.


Our cake inspiration:

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Centerpieces (made for $2.25 each):


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Click the image to open in full size.


Raffia Fans w/ Starfish Symbolism explanation and charm (will be placed at each seat for the ceremony):


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It reads as follows ...


Starfish Symbolism


The star -- as well as the Starfish -- are seen as celestial symbols

and as such, they represent infinite divine love.


In addition to love, the Starfish also holds characteristics such as

guidance, vigilance, inspiration, brilliance and intuition.


In Christian symbolism the Starfish represents the Virgin Mary

(Stella Maris which means Star of the Sea) who lovingly creates

safe travel over troubled waters and is also seen as an emblem

of salvation during trying times.


May your travels be safe.

May your love be both infinite and divine.

Love, Tami & Tom

OOT Bags:


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Travel Mugs and logo:


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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I love your "something blue." Where did you get it? I need to swap out my belly ring to something cuter before the trip. I forget I even have it now & I never put in a new one. I used to change it all the time.
I found it on eBay for $9.99 I think. I did a search for "starfish belly ring" or something like that.

I thought I had lost it but thank goodness I stumbled across it while packing!
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