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Guilty Pleasure House Cleaning


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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
JM I love cleaning. In fact friday is my cleaning day. So when I get home today from the gym I am going to blast the ipod and clean my apartment head to toe. I love cleaning the bathroom and having the toilet sparkle. I love vacumming b/c it leaves the carpets so nice and clean. I pretty much just love everything about cleaning. I know I'm sick in the head.
ya.. you are like my mom. i swear to god on holidays she will wash the floor twice a day. she even irons towels and underwear... SICK I TELL YOU

Originally Posted by xandrafaye View Post
I absolutely HATE cleaning also, but for some strange reason I really enjoy cleaning the stove! We have the stove-top with the wire-looking burners so I take them out, take out the metal things underneath & scrub away! You can find SO much gunk in there when you thought it was actually clean!
the stove is great though. wehn you just get that sparkle of steel back

Originally Posted by Ana View Post
i hate cleaning...I'm so thankful that my FI loves it though (or at least pretends). I do the cooking and he does the cleaning, seems fair to me cheesy.gif
im a huge fan of cooking. i love it... BAMMMMM hahaha i like to cook and have the others do the dishes ...

Originally Posted by angitalia23 View Post
LOL....my absolute favorite cleaning activity is cleaning the cupboards and fridge...call me freaky but it is oh so fun for me!
ya the fridge is great. just take the shelves out and get that milk and little foodsies off there

Originally Posted by Nic Dragomire View Post
I just finished tending to the yard.. I love it... I have the best one on the block.
come on now nic... we all know trailer homes dont have much of a yard . some stomped dirt perhaps wink.gif hahahah syke
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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I like to vacuum but i hate all other cleaning. For whatever reason I will start cleaning something- say go through all my makeup/ beauty crap and the next thing I know I have a larger mess than I started with and spent 3 hours rummaging through the crap instead of just sorting out the crap and getting rid of it.
Haha Rachel! I do the same thing! I have like ADD when it comes to cleaning...I'll start doing one thing, then go to get something in another room & get completely side tracked doing something else. After a couple of hours I have 5 half-done projects. Nice.

Overall, I clean because I value organization & hate living in chaos, but I really dislike cleaning. Luckily my husband is a little OCD in that department - he can clean the crap out of a stove top!
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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
JM I love cleaning. In fact friday is my cleaning day. So when I get home today from the gym I am going to blast the ipod and clean my apartment head to toe. I love cleaning the bathroom and having the toilet sparkle. I love vacumming b/c it leaves the carpets so nice and clean. I pretty much just love everything about cleaning. I know I'm sick in the head.
Glenda you can come down and clean my house anytime...I hate cleaning and I don't do it often enough.
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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
Haha Rachel! I do the same thing! I have like ADD when it comes to cleaning...I'll start doing one thing, then go to get something in another room & get completely side tracked doing something else. After a couple of hours I have 5 half-done projects. Nice.

Overall, I clean because I value organization & hate living in chaos, but I really dislike cleaning. Luckily my husband is a little OCD in that department - he can clean the crap out of a stove top!
I am so glad I am not the only one! I make FI leave when I am cleaning because theres crap turned up in every room!
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I love cleaning my bathroom, especially the toilets and the bathtub. There's just something really rewarding about removing all the grime soap scum from the tiles, and the dust from the back and feet of the toilet...my husband just laughs and shakes his head at me.


I also love cleaning my kitchen counters...maybe love is the wrong word. I just can't stand having crumbs or sticky stuff sitting on them, so I'm always going with my Lysol spray and my cleaning cloth...

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
For whatever reason I will start cleaning something- say go through all my makeup/ beauty crap and the next thing I know I have a larger mess than I started with and spent 3 hours rummaging through the crap instead of just sorting out the crap and getting rid of it.
This is so me! It takes me ALL day to clean. Our place always looks great when I'm done, but it takes forever.
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