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Weigh-In Day-- Fess Up!


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Hmm I used to drink so much water, and my DR actully told me I was flushing out the good stuff because of all the water I was drinking. SO, IMO everyone is a little different and you should talk to you DR about your diet first.

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Ok I really want to join WW but I really don't have any time to go to these meetings. I know you can join online but I really don't feel like paying a monthly fee (these expenses are adding up like crazy). I think I am going to go to one meeting get the books and then never go back again. I know this is bad but most of my friends did this and they still stuck with it. I need to come up with an exercise plan b/c there are no 24 hour gyms near me and I work 14 hours a day and don't get home until 9. I can't even do exercise videos in my house b/c I live in an apartment and the people downstairs have a heart attack when I do them. And running outside is out b/c it is freezing in NY right now. Aahhhhhhhh! rant.gif



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I used to go to ww meetings, but like you I don't want another expense. So I already have the books. You could either go to one meeting like you said and get the books or you can just order a kit online. You get a lot of stuff with the kits too, points calculator, I think a recipe book. Its on their website anyway. Some people do the meetings but there are a lot of us that are just familiar with the program and we all help support each other. as long as you are accountable every week, like rebecca said, it will work.


Now for the exercise. Could you squeeze the gym in during your lunch break or early in the morning before work?? Or what about buying a piece of equipment to use at home (elliptical or treadmill) or would that be too loud??

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I have to wear a suit everyday to work and I don't have a set schedule so I don't get traditional lunch breaks like everyone else. I am pretty much in court all day and if I even had the opportunity to go during the afternoon it would be such a PITA to put a suit back on. LOL. I can't go in the morning b/c as it is I leave my house at 7AM. So annoying but the gyms near me open at 7 and close at like 9 (which is when I typically get home). I could never fit a machine in my apt. And it would be way to loud. Oh well, I'm sure I can figure something out. Thanks for the advice though, I greatly appreciate it.



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I know what you mean, I wear a suit all day too, and to go to the gym during lunch, I wouldn't be looking to pretty the rest of the day, lol!! I don't get regular lunch breaks either. Yeah, I guess thats hard if the gyms aren't open any later. Hmmm, I'm not sure if you drive to work or use public transportation, but you could find a way to maybe just add a little extra walking to your day, like parking further away from the court house so you could walk 5-10 minutes each way. I don't know if this is something that would be feasible or not, I'm not sure what your day is like.


Its hard to try to fit exercise in when you have a busy schedule. But I figure I find plenty of time to spend on this forum so apparently I have plenty of free time on my hands to exercise, hahaha!!

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I feel your pain Glenda- suit all day, no breaks, etc. The only bonus I have over you is a set end time to work. I'm at the gym at 5:30 pm.

Maybe these tips will help:

- work out both weekend days. Even if it's just walking a lot, bundle up and head outside.

- try getting up 30 min earlier. It's not a drastic change for you sleepwise. You can do some squats, crunches, lunges - all quiet activities.

- I second that walking more during daily activities. Get off one subway stop early and walk the rest.

- Get a step counter and set goals for steps per day. You'd be amazed how many steps you can cram in.

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What floor do you work on - maybe you can walk upstairs? Also, while sitting at your desk, or whatever you're doing, I read that clenching your abs once every hour for 20 sec. can make a diff. The cardio is a different matter - but like Kate said, maybe get up 30 min earlier and be sure to do it on weekends.

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I work really long days too and I fell into the "I don't have time" category too. I usually leave the house at 8:15 and do not get home unitl 8pm. On the days I am not working I am running around with my FI 2 kids and trying to cram in all the things I should have done durring the week if I had a normal work schedule. The issue of buying a wedding dress kicked my butt into gear because I knew that I would be looking at my pictures FOREVER and didn't want to get sick to my stomach everytime I did.


That being said - I am so glad that I have gotten back into the habit of working out. Bootcamp is great for me - don't get me wrong I still have to convince myself to get out of bed every morning when it is still dark outside and I am nice and cozy warm! I have learned that if you change your habits even by a little to move more through out the day or make better food choices it will end up making a difference! You gotta start somewhere right!

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