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Cheerleaders beat up 16 year old!


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Oh my goodness. What is wrong with these kids? Seriously, I'm afraid to find out what kind of adults they will be. At 16, they should have a strong understanding of right and wrong. It's just scary that they thought it was ok. No wonder why they are messed up- they have moms that think it's ok to watch and not do anything to stop it!

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All over some comment placed on myspace!! I watched a news clip where one of the moms was basically saying that the girl got what she deserved because she should have been able to back up what she had said! HELLO, your daughter and others ganged up and attached this girl for an extended period of time! That is NOT NORMAL! I agree, it will be very scary to see how these kids will turn out in adulthood......I'd hate to be their future neighbors..do something wrong and they'll probably shoot you!smile105.gif

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I wonder what this girl posted on Myspace that was so bad they did this?!


That's f'ing nuts.


Seriously, Myspace... I mean really!!!! People need to realize myspace isn't that f'ing important. I'm not blaming myspace but I swear so much drama ensues over myspace related things because kids place such an importance on that stupid site.


On a side note, I think I heard a report that female physical violence is increasing.

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OH man I saw this the other morning on the news...and it made me sick. The mom was totally defending her daughter like an idiot and then it said that the two girls were laughing about the whole thing after they were arrested because they were going to miss cheerleading practice. I find it horrible and frightening!!

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