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It's a "shower" not a "reunion" people!!!


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Okay, it's all undercontrol, but it's just so incredible (in the literal, nu-uh! no way! sense), that I simply have to share!!! I figured you could all use a good eye-rolling and head shaking giggle on a Friday morning.


So one of my BFFs is throwing me a shower in LA (used to live there), and my beloved friends, mom, sis, and stepmom are coming in from all over the country to attend.


We also invited two cousins from my mom's side (one of whom I love and one who I only vaguely remember) because they are in central California - they aren't invited to the wedding, but my mom thought it was important to invite them. Plus, she wanted some of her contemporaries there.


Now, I get a phone call from the hostess - apparently everyone is all excited that me, my mom and my sis will all be in the area. My mom's cousin (the one I think I might remember) wants to bring her two daughters (my age), and my cousin wants to bring (brace yourselves...) my uncle. To. My. Shower.


I don't even know the names of the daughters, and what the hell is my cousin thinking wanting to bring my uncle!!!! I just have no idea what these people are thinking!!! Who invites extras to a shower being thrown by someone they don't even know?!?!?!


But, it's all under control - I called my mom and told her to reign in her family. That there was NO WAY my uncle was attending my (hello!) bridal shower, and that I really wasn't comfortable asking my dear friend to host two extra people that I'VE NEVER MET!


So, she's going to arrange a family dinner one night, and the shower will go on without men and strangers.


Anyone know what it costs to buy a clue these days? Sheesh!!!

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I know where you're coming from. I had about 5 people at my shower that I never met. Mike's mom thought she needed to invite family (that she hasn't even seen in 5 years) because it would be "nice". Yeah, it was real fun when I was opening my gifts and didn't know who the person was and had to look up and thank them. I'm glad you got it under control!

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OMG!! I feel your pain. I dont know what to say. I just let mine get out of hand. My friend is throwing us a shower (couple one) She has turned it into a big party and recruited people that i dont know to bring food and help her. Honestly, she is my friend but she is also my assistant and so the people she recruited are assistants to and really not apart of my "friend" circle. Im just not sure if my friends are going to feel comfortable. Its like partying with the "help" - of course I have no problem because I will party with just about anyone! Anyways... I think its getting out of hand but I feel as if I have no say because I am not throwing it...

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OMG! The same thing happend to me! FI's mom hosted a nice shower for me (because all of his family bailed on the seats we had reserved for them). But then, she invited her friends from work! Just because people know OF us, doesn't mean they actually know us. I was really excited though, because one of them bout me a set of steak knives to match my flatware.

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I think this is going to happen to me, i'm dreading my shower. Fights are already breaking out btwn my mom and my grandmother (my dad's mom). My gmom wants to throw her own seperate shower with all her side of the family with people I never see, well maybe at family funerals but that's about it. And I wouldn't recognize them off the street if i did see them. How awkward.


Well at least you nipped it in the bud, can you talk to my gmom now for me? hehe

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OMG, that is so priceless. It's funny how family gets completely mentally retarded when wedding type things go on. It's been proven time and time again that smart people loose it completely & you have to stand there & be like "hello people, I AM SUPPOSED TO BE THE CRAZY ONE! I am the bride! "

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