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Mommies to be check in


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Hello hello ladies!

We haven't had our "big" u/s yet. It's scheduled for May 26 and we had planned on finding out the gender of our little monsters. However, last night at work in ER we were pretty quiet, not a whole lot going on, sooooo my ultrasound tech friend dragged me into one of the exam rooms and we did a quickie u/s. The BOYS look great! No glaring abnormalities, everyone's organs are where they should be and are functioning just fine. So crazy to see them both jumping around in there. I haven't felt any distinct movement yet, so it was nice to have a look-see inside and make sure they're both okay. I can't believe we're having boys. I'm so excited!


Courtney: 3 weeks to go, eh? How are you feeling?!

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Congrats to all the mommies and mommies to be! I keep tabs on this thread because I love hearing about all the new preggies and babies.


My DH and I have been discussing our timeline since before we were married, and have planned to start trying in and around our 2nd anniversary. Recently, we have both decided we are ready to be parents and have decided I will go off the pill in September.


I have an appointment at the end of August with my doctor to discuss prenatal care, but I have been prepping for this since we were married. I have been taking prenatals rather than regular multi-vitamins since Jan 2009, and have been eating clean, working out 5 days a week limiting my alcohol intake for the last 6 months. I want to go into pregnancy as healthy as possible, so I figured I'd start early, and then it will be natural to continue these habits all the way along (or as much as possible).


We are waiting until September since the summer is so busy with weddings and showers that I don't want to be pregnant and trying to keep it hidden. Plus I really want a fall baby, so I am hoping to get KU in Dec/Jan.....but we all know that its not up to me!


I'll be keeping tabs on this thread, and I'll let you all know when its my turn to be a mommy-to-be!

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Originally Posted by Sloan View Post
Hello hello ladies!
We haven't had our "big" u/s yet. It's scheduled for May 26 and we had planned on finding out the gender of our little monsters. However, last night at work in ER we were pretty quiet, not a whole lot going on, sooooo my ultrasound tech friend dragged me into one of the exam rooms and we did a quickie u/s. The BOYS look great! No glaring abnormalities, everyone's organs are where they should be and are functioning just fine. So crazy to see them both jumping around in there. I haven't felt any distinct movement yet, so it was nice to have a look-see inside and make sure they're both okay. I can't believe we're having boys. I'm so excited!

Courtney: 3 weeks to go, eh? How are you feeling?!
Feeling great, thanks for asking! cheesy.gif I thought by month #9 I'd be cranky, uncomfortable and ready for this to be over. But so far I still get a good, sound sleep (and I'm enjoying it while I can), and I'm not as sore/uncomfortable as I thought I would be! Yay! I started my mat leave on Friday and I'm already bored though! lol

I can't believe you found out the sex of your twins... while at work! I'm so jealous! Does your DH know that you found out??! Did you have a feeling one way or another as to what you might be having beforehand?

Originally Posted by seaprincess View Post
My DH and I have been discussing our timeline since before we were married, and have planned to start trying in and around our 2nd anniversary. Recently, we have both decided we are ready to be parents and have decided I will go off the pill in September.
YAY! That's so exciting! September will be here before you know it!
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Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
I can't believe you found out the sex of your twins... while at work! I'm so jealous! Does your DH know that you found out??! Did you have a feeling one way or another as to what you might be having beforehand?
Glad you're feeling so well! That's pretty awesome!
I called DH from work just to tell him what we found out. He's very excited! I wanted boys over girls, but had no "gut feelings" really. Obviously we would have been just as excited for girls, but I think I'd be a better Mom to boys.

Here's a crappy iPhone pic of myself from yesterday. Wow I'm huge already. Can't imagine what the next weeks to months are going to bring. I won't be able to walk by the end of it! Eeee! My bum is getting bigger and that totally did not need to happen.

Click the image to open in full size.
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