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Mommies to be check in


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thanks erika. Ill look into those.


Yah Holls. I was talking to all the preggo girls at work and a lot of them suggested folic acid over prenatals because of nauseous-ness I already take vitamin d and calcium chews so thats awesome lol!


Im just looking for the best prenatal or folic acid brand to take.

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Thankfully I dont have to much of a weak stomach so I will not get sick easy.

I found myself looking at prenatal vits at Target today. I think I will be sticking with those since that is what I took with Annablle and she turned out great :) She even baked an extra week.

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Oh Holly. That makes me giggle. Right before I got pregnant I was talking with a guy at work about how I had such a tough stomach and I hadn't puked since i was 12. I apparently should have knocked on wood! As I puked basically every day for the 9 1/2 months I was pregnant. Awesome. LOL! So knock on some wood!!


I got my prenatals at Walmart. Nature's Source or something like that. They actually didnt have any taste to them and were very easy to swallow. I would get sick if I DIDN'T take them actually.

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Holly, yes you should knock on wood!!! Altough I was nauseous, I didn't throw up with my first pregnancy besides 4/5 times (and that's because i overate). But with this pregnancy, I'm throwing up all day long, even just when I drink water. It's not so bad now because the doc gave me meds for it, but the side effects seem to be just as bad now, so I'm trying to just take it day by day and see how I'm feeling before taking anti-nausea meds. It's funny how each pregnancy can be so different.


Regarding the prenatals vit, I just use the Target brand. I took them religiously when I was pregnant with Matt, not so much now ( i know, I'm a bad pregger!!) .

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Its weird but Im very excited to start taking the pre natals.. I guess bc that means the baby will come in time, and I would really like to be pregnant! Hubby is still set on end of the year.. december.. not even october he said December. lol I guess I can wait until then!

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