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Mommies to be check in


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Congratulations Amy! I cant wait to see pics.


Margie sux you cant find the 0-12 mos clothes. You wouldnt of let anyone borrow them right? You know once you go out and buy new clothes they'll turn up. My SIL bought our bedding and dropped it off on New Years I havent put it together yet though.


I love Pen's crying pic. that's just so darn cute. I just love her to pieces with her little dimpled chin.


Here's bump pics and nursery pics.

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Nursery pics, really just the furniture and paint is done. Still waiting on some decor stuff to come.

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This is the bedding we got so you can see it.

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I feel great. I know i'm lucky because i really havent had any complications. Just small stuff like heartburn, swelling, insomnia, cant tie my shoes, etc. nothing major. that's why i want him to be late.


Stacey, Yes its a boy and his name will be Gavin, Gavin Patrick Kenney.


the rocker is super comfy, i didnt want to get out of it after Der set it up.

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Hi ladies. Seems like every time I find my way back here, I am saying how much I suck for not checking in regularly, lol.


Anyway ... we have found out that we are having a GIRL. Her name will be Michaela Diane, after both of our mothers.


Here is our u/s pic from our 18w anatomy scan and my 19w bump pics.


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