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Mommies to be check in


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Hey ladies! I know, I pop in and out on here - lol. I'm going to make more of an effort to stop into BDW more often though, and not just hang out on fertilityfriend. :)


Kat - I'm hoping not to hear from you this morning - lol. Hopefully, that little girl wants to join the world today! You're doctor was talking about inducing tomorrow if she hasn't made the decision to come out on her own, right?


Shelly and Amy - congrats!!! It seems like just yesterday we were planning weddings and now we're all preggers!


Kelly - that's so scary! I'm high risk with my job, but I just don't think they've tested long enough on pregnant women, so I'm not getting the vaccine. Maybe I'll rethink after my little boy comes though. I hope Kerrington is doing better!


Hope everyone is doing well!

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Kat your not fat, i sware your all belly. Tell your little girl that i'm officially giving her teh eviction notice. I want to see her!


my bump is getting pretty big. maybe i'll have Derek take a pic of it for me.


Originally Posted by Angel View Post
Hey everyone!!! Congrats to all the new mommies to be!!

Wow Kat, look at how cute your bump is. That's how I looked with my first. I know your about ready. It seems like the last few weeks are the longest and hardest. Hang in there, she'll be here in no time.

I don't get on much but I just wanted to check on you ladies and see how everything is going.

How's it going Danielle? How are you feeling? I was thinking about you the other day.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Here are a few pics of Zariah. She's getting so big. She'll be 4 months on the 29th. Man time goes by so fast!


Man she be making the funniest faces.

Click the image to open in full size.


Have a good weekend!

Angel i feel great. thanks for asking. You look great, of course you looked great even when you were pregnant and after you had the baby you couldnt even tell that you were ever pregnant. Wish i looked like you did! Zariah is gorgeous. I love her silly faces. and how precious is her pink hat, love it!!! Love her! we need weekly Zariah pics. and holly crap 4 months have gone by already. i sware that was like a month ago.


Originally Posted by heartbeat View Post
So I donâ€t think Iâ€ve ever check in…lol BUT here I am!!!!!! Iâ€m having my first baby… Iâ€m supper excited!!!! I want him to come already but heâ€s not due till Feb frown.gifHeâ€s a lil shy most ppl cant even tell Iâ€m pregnant...
Congratulations i'm due in Feb too and also having a boy.


Originally Posted by Kelly C View Post
you girls are too cute. Kat that baby girl has certainly dropped!


Congrats to all the new mommies...


Danielle how are you doing?


Well on our front Kerrington Danielle got baptized on the 17th on anniversary. Then on monday came down with the flu. Its been a very long week. They said someone had to have sneezed on her at the baptism. We dont have her out much. The doc said she is the youngest in their practice to have it. We were in at out of the hospital and doctors office all week. She was on tamaflu also. She is doing much better now. They gave us the H1N1 vaccine this week at the peds office. They said the fed gov is giving them for free to parents of children under 6 mos of age since they cant have it. And we are high risk. I hope none of you ladies have to go thru what we did. Its scary stuff.

Awww my poor KD got sick. Poor thing. Glad she's doing better but that's so scarey. Do you have new pics of her on FB? i really need to get on FB more so i can check you and her out.


Originally Posted by brittbrodin View Post
Hi Everyone!! I just stumbled across this forum this morning; so much great advice I wish I would've found it sooner, considering I'm almost 31 weeks. Congrats to everyone and Kat, good luck!! From the looks on this forum it looks like you have a lot of people rooting for you! :)
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Oh My! I haven't visited this thread in a really long time!!!

Kelly, that is so scary! I hope everything is going better now and that little K is feeling better! I also will need to see an updated picture please!


Kat... POP THAT BABY OUT!!! I seriously stalk you waiting for that baby to make its appearance. I can't wait!


Angel, Zariah is SO adorable!!! I'm a big fan of the headbands as well, so I love that she is accesorized! :)


And to all the expecting mothers, CONGRATULATIONS!!! the time really does fly by.


As for my little Kora, she's three months old as of yesterday! She's getting SO big! And she just started calling for me, so I have to go... but I'll post some somewhat recent photos:

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Click the image to open in full size.

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thanks ladies she is doing much better. She is 13lbs 14oz and 23 inches. My big girl started her veggies this week.


Here are some new pics for you...


<a href="http://s295.photobucket.com/albums/mm125/2008bride/?action=view&current=068.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm125/2008bride/068.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


her baptism

<a href="http://s295.photobucket.com/albums/mm125/2008bride/?action=view&current=045.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm125/2008bride/045.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


pumpkin patch


<a href="http://s295.photobucket.com/albums/mm125/2008bride/?action=view&current=016.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm125/2008bride/016.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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