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Mommies to be check in


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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
She's absolutely gorgeous Jenn. Congratulations. I had to laugh about the floating around Sesame Street. lol

so i had the big u/s yesterday and its a BOY!!!
Congratulations!!!!! Boy's are so much fun, and little boys LOVE their mommies to pieces. Congrats again!
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Congrats to the new mommies.


Kerrington is doing great she 3 months now and alot of fun. I think now is when we should have materinty leave. This is when she wants to play and laugh. Not the pooping peeing paper wight anymore. When started on ceral this week. Oh what a mess that is. We go back to the dr on the 23rd for her next check up and shots. I went back to work a couple weeks ago and it really sucks. Hubby said we didnt when the lotto so I had to go...LOL. I will post some new pics soon.

Hope everyone continues to do well.

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Hello ladies, first off congrats Jenn, she is soooo adorable.

Congrats on your boy Danielle, boys are so much fun.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm doing good, Zariah is doing well. She is holding her head up and trying to CRAWL. OMG!!!! I layed her on her tummy the other day and her little legs just started going. It was sooooo cute. I have to have my video camera charged and ready to go next time. Time just goes by so fast. She goes back to the doctor on the 29th (MY BDAY!!!) to get some shots.

Well I hope everyone else is doing well. Congrats to all the new mommies and mommies to be. Have a good week ladies.

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Just wondering if any mommies to be here are getting the H1N1 vaccine. I am so up in the air over this. I NEVER get the flu shot, I just don't feel the need. Now my OB wants me to get both. However, my aunt (in law?) recommends me not gettting the H1N1, she is a nurse and works with pharma companies doing clinical trials and she is VERY opposed to me getting this. I don't know what to do. Obviously, as a new vaccine no one knows what effect it could have on a baby, and I am sure there are no pregnant women jumping at the chance to be guinea pigs and test the vaccine, but on the other hand, we do know that something like 23 out of 100 pregnant women (and their babies) who contract H1N1 have died. Just wondering what everyone else is thinking?!

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Margie, that is really interesting your aunt is against you getting the H1N1 shot. The decision weighs on my mind a lot. I work in a school and there are kids with H1N1 all around me. I still think I am going to pass on the vaccine. Part of the reason I decided this is because I am due in 5.5 weeks. If the shot isn't here for a few more weeks and it takes 2-3 weeks to get into my little one's system who knows if it will actually do anything. And I am worried about side effects. Not only immediate but years from now. I just hope I am doing the right thing.


On a brighter note, I had a dream last night my little one is a girl! I looked into her eyes and she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. What a great dream!

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Hello Ladies,


I thought it was time that I checked in with the Mummas!


First off, a HUGE shout out to Jenn, Mia is just gorgeous!


Secondly, Danielle - I was thrilled to bits when I saw your face book page... A BOY! ! how exciting.


Thirdly, Andrea! OMG 5.5 weeks! Crazy!!!!


And Lastly, the reason I'm in the Mumma thread. I'd like you ladies to be the first to be in the know that I am due April 17, 2010! Trimester one is nearly over, and it isn't without a lot of drama but I am happy to be feeling fine and moving forward. In my first trimester I was having CRAZY dreams


I have had a recurring (two times) dream:


We go for the ultrasound, and the technician begins to laugh out loud - and hollers "you aren't pregnant!" At which point I respond, "but I went for the bloodwork, and peed on the stick!" DH then pipes up and says "the sticks are 99.9% accurate!"

Then, the techincian (who has no face) says *insert diabolical tone here* YOU ARE THE POINT ONE PERCENT Then I wake up. Weird. --- and cannot sleep.


These crazy dreams became the cause of the most stress I've ever felt in my life.


On Sept. 17 I had an appointment with my family doctor. I expressed to her my concerns about the dreams, and my lack of sleep. She suggested that we do HCG blood tests to quell my fears. I went for blood work on Friday (1cool.gif and Monday (21). On Wednesday(23)I had a wee bit of spotting, but nothing major - I decided to call my family doc to see what the results of Friday's test was. The receptionist calmed me - with reassurance that my HCG count was +77000 and everything looked great.


Thursday the 23rd was my second appointment with my midwife - she truly is amazing. I mentioned to her the HCG tests, and that she'd be cc'd on them, I mentioned the spotting on Wednesday (at which time she asked if we'd had sex -- to which we blushingly answered yes -- and she explained that this is normal, and that as long as there is no cramping etc, sometime sex can bring on a few spots. DH and I left the appointment on cloud nine!


When we arrived home from the midwife (around 7:30pm) we had a voicemail from my family doctor, with instructions to call her at home. I immeadiately called, and she said she had "bad news, the counts from Monday's HCG test declined to 69000, and the baby was gone". I couldn't bear listening another minute. I handed the phone to DH. He says that the family doc went on to explain that the baby was gone, and that we could come into the clinic right away.


DH was a rock, he drove to the clinic (about a half hour away from our home) - enroute to the clinic he called our midwife. She explained that we needed to DEMAND an ultrasound tonight, she doesn't trust HCG counts when pregnancy is this far along.


I do not recall the drive at all. We arrived there, to my family doc's apologies, and sympathies. DH began demanding the ultrasound. The family doc was talking about a D&C, or waiting for the natural process. DH continued to demand the ultrasound.


My family doc, called the ER and requested that we be seen. We then drove (another half hour to the ER). They were expecting us and took us right away. The ER doc explained that it was not his forté to use the portable ultrasound machine, but he'd do his best.


Amidst, my hysterical crying I heard DH and the ER doc tell me to calm down. DH was crying. The ER doc said "I have three children of my own, and I know that there is one right there (pointing at the screen)". He went on to say that I had an emergency ultrasound scheduled for the following morning at 10am and to try and go home and rest.


That night on our way home we called FIL, and MIL, to tell them we were on our way over, we went and explained everything, including our plan to tell the family.


The next morning (after little sleep) we were still very anxious, we went to the ultrasound appt. To learn that the baby armadillo was there. Baby armadillo's heartbeat was calculated at 177bpm (a little high, but easily explained by mumma's hysterics). DH and I bawled. I was so relieved. Here is our little baby armadillo. Yes, it is a blob, but it's my blob!


Click the image to open in full size.


Upon leaving the ultrasound room, my family doc was there with many many apologies, and tried to explain the previous 14 hours. DH was very angry with her, and refused to speak to her. He was too upset. I accepted her apology as I felt it was heartfelt.


We then went and told my parents.


This is the story of our first ultrasound.


We now have our second ultrasound scheduled for the 16th of October, and I am so excited to see the baby armadillo!


I'll check back soon.


PS> because this is a secret in my professional life, my facebook wall is off.

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Awww Andrea i love your dream. I think your having a girl too.


Margie i had decided not to get the H1N1 vaccine but now i'm up in the air again. I have a doc's appointment on friday so im going to bring it up to him.


Kelly Kerrington must be getting so big. sucks you have to go back to work. I wish i would hit the lottery and be able to stay home with the baby fulltime. That would be sweet.


Angel Zariah sounds like she's so strong. I cant believe she's already trying to crawl. Get your video camera ready so you dont miss it.

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danielle, so happy for you!!!


amy, what a horrible thing to go thru ... but so very happy to see your baby armadillo blob pic!! congrats!!!


some of me thinks that maybe i should start trying to give my dad a grandchild while he's still around. but the thought of dealing with my dad's terminal illness while pregnant seems too overwhelming, not to mention what the stress might do to the baby. so i'm torn.

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Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
some of me thinks that maybe i should start trying to give my dad a grandchild while he's still around. but the thought of dealing with my dad's terminal illness while pregnant seems too overwhelming, not to mention what the stress might do to the baby. so i'm torn.
awww Lisa....my heart just broke a little more for you (if that's even possible) when I read this post! cry.gif I think there's a lot for you to consider if you want to have a baby right now but definitely do what will make you and T happy. hug2.gif
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