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Mommies to be check in


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Originally Posted by GeminiLibra View Post
Well, I spoke to my midwife a few hours ago and I am going to the hospital tomorrow night to start the induction process. At first I wasn't sure I wanted to be induced but I'm ok with it now. Hopefully my baby decides she's ready and helps me out but who knows, I cant believe that I will be holding her soon!!!
YAY! If I am not progressing by my due date I am sure I will be begging for an induction.
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Shea - Jada is just gorgeous! Congratulations :) Are you enjoying being a mommy? It's hard to believe she's already over 5 months old...


Summer - Mikka is super precious. That tutu is so cute. I can't even imagine how small it must be. You'll have to bring it out to show her when she's grown up.


Congrats on your pregnancy, Twinkletoes!


Mrs. Martin - look at you -updating the bdw'ers while you were in labour! Holy crap! Congratulations on Matthew's entrance into the world. Hopefully he's well on the way to healing from the circumcision by now.



Kerrington is so adorable, Kelly. Such great pics with her big sister too!


Angel - Zariah looks like such a fun baby! I could see just staring at her all day long.


Tleesag, GeminiLibra, Jenn - so many more babies on the way. This is an exciting time!


GeminiLibra - Dh just told me about this full moon stuff the other day. I'd never heard of it. Thanks for the links! I think the full moon in November is really early (like the 3rd or something) so I don't know if it'll affect me (due Nov 17). But I'm definitely going to read up on it. I hope it helps you out!

By now you're probably already induced and on your way to meeting your little one. :)

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I'm a finally a mommy to a handsome baby boy, Matthew. He was 21 1/2 inches long and weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces. Here's how he came in to the world:

Last Friday morning around 4 am (and thank goodness my DH had just gotten home from work) I felt like I had to go to the bathroom more than usual. During that night I had been having contractions, but they were so far apart I figured they were false. So, I finally went the the restroom and noticed a bunch of blood and then I passed my plug (which looked really gross). I wouldn't stop bleeding so we rushed to the hospital. When I got there, I was already 3 cm dilated. The doc said I was bleeding more than normal, so he assumed I had a tear in the placenta. Since the baby's HB was fine he figured he would let me dilate naturally as long as I didn't continue to bleed too much. Well, 8 hours went by and I couldn't take my contractions any more, so I asked for an epi. Thank goodness I did because for a while I thought I would go all the way without one. Well, I had one put in but it moved so I was able to feel contractions (not too strong though) on the right side of my body but not the left. They tried fixing it and it worked for a few minutes, then it just favored my left again. Around 6:00 I was checked and had only dilated to 6 cm. So, they broke my bag of water and gave me petocin to start dilating more. At 10:00 pm I was 10 cm dilated and the pushing began. I was so scared and I stared freaking out and I asked them for a c-section-I couldn't get over the fact I was about to pop out a baby! But, I started pushing and it wasn't as bad as I thought. You feel sort of strange because when you push you feel like you have to take a big poop! My DH was helping holding my leg so he was close to all the action. He did a great job as a coach, I was very proud of him. Finally, they get a mirror for me and I see the baby's head. After 1 hr and 15 minutes the baby is here and he's so cute! He didn't cry until they started to clean him up. He was actually quiet for the rest of the night. I was ripped, so I had to get 2 stitches, which I didn't feel at all. I was exhausted and threw up a bit through out that night because I was so hungry. At the hospital, he was having trouble latching on to my breast, so we finally had to start pumping and also give him some formula. As soon as we got home, he didn't want to latch on at all, so I started pumping and became super engorged (and it's so painful). So, I had to start using a nipple shield and it worked, but the problem with Matt is that he falls asleep because he has jaundice, so the warmth of my body knocks him out. He wasn't getting enough to eat and that was causing the jaundice to get worse, so I've been pumping in order to be able to keep track and give him more milk. He got checked today and he gained a bit more weight and his jaundice level lowered, but he's still having to use a light therapy jacket through out the day to help out. But, other than that he is a very strong and stubborn boy that has completely melted my heart. Here are a few pics of him and of his nursery (which still hasn't been completed!). Please forgive me for the quality of all these pics because they were taken on my iphone.

I look a mess (after 18 hours of labor...)

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The color of these pics look a bit funky, but the true colors are from the pics above.

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Mrs. Martin - congrats on your beautiful baby boy! He looks just perfect - and the nursery looks really peaceful too. Too bad about all the trouble with nursing him. Hopefully he's getting the hang of it and it'll get easier for you.

It was funny how you said you freaked out during labour and asked for a C-section. I've heard that girls say lots of weird stuff during labour. Sounds like you did a great job though and that your DH was a rock star too!

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Mrs Martin,

Matthew is soooo cute. Thats funny him and Kerrington weighed the same. But he was longer. I have had the same problem with breast feeding and am STILL pumping. I think I will be done in another 2 weeks. That will give her 8 weeks for breast milk. I only did 4 with my other daughter. Kerrington was alittle jaundice too. But we didnt have to do the jacket. They told me to just keep feeding her and it would clear out itself. I was laughing about your story with the c section. With my first daughter I told the nurses I was going home and changed my mind. They were laughing at me and said your not going anywhere. So I know what your talking about. Now that I have had one each way I would deffintley say push that baby out... This c section recovery sucks!

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