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Mommies to be check in


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Hi everyone! Congrats to Alyssa and Heidi!!!


I haven't been around in a while because of limited access at work.


I am now 9 weeks 2 days. I had my first appointment last week, just general stuff, nothing special, questions, medical background and offering me the new Sequential Screening that replaced the quad screen, I'm opting not to have it. They said size wise I felt right on target. Next appointment is Aug 3 and we get to hear the heart.


I think last time I on was here I asked about when symptoms started, well, I should have kept my mouth shut!!! I have been in a constant state of nausea for 2.5 weeks straight, getting sick like once or twice a day every other day (thank god not every day), sooooo tired and some other TMI type things. I feel like a wreak. I have also started experiencing my first "craving", I am obsessed with orange juice, I have to have it and a lot of it, I just can't stop wanting it. And, sadly, I think it is true that you get bigger faster with the second baby. At a little over 9 weeks my belly looks like it did when I was about 14/15 weeks with my son so even if I had wanted to keep it from people till I was out of the 1st trimester, I donâ€t think I could have cause depending on what I wear, you can tell. Oh well! Hoping better days are ahead but I know it will all be worth it in the end!

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Heide, congrats!!!


Amy, I was thinking about the birthday invation you had for your son. Where did you get those adorable shirts and how did you get the b day invations printed. If you dont mind me asking.


ok what url am I supposed to copy from photobucket to get them to post? I have totally lost my mind.

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Originally Posted by Kelly C View Post
Heide, congrats!!!

Amy, I was thinking about the birthday invation you had for your son. Where did you get those adorable shirts and how did you get the b day invations printed. If you dont mind me asking.

ok what url am I supposed to copy from photobucket to get them to post? I have totally lost my mind.
Use the Img code
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Congrats Alyssa and Heidi!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well. Everything is going good on my end. Except Zariah is up all night long. My husband goes back to work next week so it'll be a change. I'll have all 3 children with me until school starts. So I'll be really busy trying to keep the older ones busy and caring for the little one. But other than that everything is good. How is everyone else doing?

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Originally Posted by Kelly C View Post
Amy, I was thinking about the birthday invation you had for your son. Where did you get those adorable shirts and how did you get the b day invations printed. If you dont mind me asking.
Hi Kelly,
I made them using WORD and iron-on transfers. I actually used onesies that he almost outgrew, because they didn't hold up well in the wash~ so most of them got tossed when I was done. I also printed things on the back (for example, on 1 month, it said, "1 Proud Daddy + 1 Excited Mommy + 1 Beautiful Baby = 1 Happy Family). Then I did little photo shoots each month in the same chair with the same stuffed animal next to him.
I made the invitation in PowerPoint. I had them printed at Kinko's, but think I would've been happier printing them at home~ the colors weren't that great from Kinko's.
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Mrs. Martin - you look cute! you're all belly. Can't wait to see pics of your nursery. You must be getting anxious to meet your little one.


Amy - what a huge relief that the results were false positives.


Heidi - congratulations! now there are 5 or 6 of us due in the fall/winter. yay!


BeachBride - sorry about your nausea. that does really suck. hopefully it'll pass soon for you.


All's well on my end. Having a starving week - guess it's a growth spurt. And I'm finally starting to feel kicks/pokes with some regularity, though not enough to know her 'schedule'. Last night I swear she was moving all over the place and I was feeling kicks on each side and on the bottom. Weird. Not sure how she's placed at this point. I go for my next midwife appointment on the 30th. It'll be nice to hear her heartbeat again.

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Happy Friday ladies!

I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and I'm 3cm, 90% effaced and at 0 station. She also swept my membranes (yeah... that hurt). But yet, here I sit. Apparently my little girl is VERY comfortable and doesn't want to come out. Which, is actually okay. Tonight we are going to a classic car show/parade and I'm really excited about it. It's about 2 hours north of my hospital though, so I hope she REALLY is comfortable and doesn't come out tonight!!

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Happy Friday ladies!
I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and I'm 3cm, 90% effaced and at 0 station. She also swept my membranes (yeah... that hurt). But yet, here I sit. Apparently my little girl is VERY comfortable and doesn't want to come out. Which, is actually okay. Tonight we are going to a classic car show/parade and I'm really excited about it. It's about 2 hours north of my hospital though, so I hope she REALLY is comfortable and doesn't come out tonight!!
It sounds like it could be any day now though, right? :) Are you excited? smile03.gif
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