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Mommies to be check in


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Hi ladies! I thought I'd pop in here and give you all a quick update - I'm pregnant!!! Woohoo! Our due date is January 21, 2010 - which means I'm only days away from entering the 2nd trimester. I'm SUPER excited and can't wait to meet this little one! Hope you're all doing well!

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HEIDI!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I cannot wait to see more of you in this thread!!


Everyone else, dang, i have so much to comment on but i just keep forgetting!


kerrington sounds like the perfect little sweet heart! Hurry up and load those pictures!!!


Mrs. Martin - you look freakin' amazing! Nice tummy!! :) I haven't uploaded my 39 week photos yet, but when I do I'll try and remember to post.


As for me, I'm still pregnant! :) Just a few more days until my due date, but I'm sure I'll go over. I think it'd be better explained if I lived in higher altitudes. Baking times are always longer up there! LOL. But nope. My little girl is just quite comfy in her little nest. Ah well. I'm doing quite well. Comfortable still and very active still. So that's nice. I actually would say this is the best I've felt all pregnancy.

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