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Mommies to be check in


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Kelly- Glad to hear your results came back negative!


I just got back from doing my glucose-tolerance screening and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I kept hearing horror stories about the orange drink, so I was expecting the worse. I can see why someone without a sweet tooth would hate it, but I didn't think it was that bad (not that I would want to drink again though); it's just very sugary. The waiting around was the worse part for me. I was falling asleep the last hour but my baby's kicking would wake me up. I'm at work now and I could feel myself going down fast. I have no energy and I'm starting to regret coming in at all after taking that test....

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I have my glucose test on Friday... I'm NOT looking forward to that!! I too have the ice cream/smores/chocolate/anything bad for me needs right now, so being told I can't have it will really suck! Hopefully all is good though!!

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Babies are soo exciting..Congrats to all you expecting and new moms! I'm 33 weeks now and starting to get antsy for this little bambino to get here already! I waddle, and get beat up quite regularly haha. We get to go for our last ultrasound within the next couple of weeks. We tried finding out at our 20 week scan what baby is, she could only GUESS that it's a girl..So I couldn't contain myself and bought a few girly dresses and onsies but for the most part we're still not sure, and not sure if we'll ask now or just wait for the surprise at the birth..

I love all the baby bump pictures! I only have taken a few, wish I'd done the monthly pictures like a lot of people do! This one is one from when we had our engagement pictures done, our photographer offered to take a few belly shots and I'm so thankful she did, I love them. We got this one made into a big plaque to hang in our baby room, I love it!


Click the image to open in full size.

14 weeks (I think)

Click the image to open in full size.

I'm 25 weeks in that one.

Click the image to open in full size.

30 weeks- I should take an updated one, I've already dropped! Feels so much different!


Is anyone having trouble with PGP (Pelvic Gridle Pain)? My hips are unbelievably sore! If anyone has any good remedies I'd greatly appreciate any advice!!! I take lots of baths which seem to help and try not to aggrivate it by sitting on the couch a lot or bending too much...

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Hi everyone, well what a week it has been. I woke up around 2 am on Thurs. morning with bad back pain and lower ab cramping. It went away after 45 min it came back at 3:30 again for 45 min and returned yet again at 4:15 and we went to the hospital. I was vomiting everytime the pain returned, it was unbelievable pain. It turns out I have kidney stones censored.gif I have never experienced pain like this. I was sent home and then admitted me on Friday and I returned home on Sunday. They still have not passed and I am miserable. I am drinking tons of water, taking baths, using a heating pad and trying to not take the pain pills, because of the baby. Has anyone else had kidney stones, and how long did they take to pass? I am in pain and not happy. But, on a postive side the baby is great and kicking up a storm and I feel very connected to her since we get so much quiet time together.

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GeminiLibra- Sorry to hear about the kidney stones. That sounds so painful! My aunt found out she had kidney stones when she was 33 weeks pregnant. She described the pain as you did and she couldn't take medication either. It just had to pass and luckly her stone passed within 3 days. Have you passed yours yet? Hang in there!!


Summer- Cute baby bump pics, thanks for sharing! No, I haven't had PGP yet and it doesn't sound like much fun. Hope you feel better and it goes away soon!

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kidney stones totally suck!!!! I had one two yrs ago. I had to have them broke up to get it out. It was too big. My uroligist tells me to drink lemonade. With real lemons. Not countrytime. Something in the acid of the lemon breaks it down. Maybe that will help.


Summer, pics are so cute.


Well I just got back from my doctor appointment. I failed my diabeties test. Not cool. I have to go to the diabetic doctor on friday, he wants me to test 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Then he will reavaluate things. He said I didnt completely fail but I got a "D". LOL.


He also said we will probably see her between july 4th and 10th.

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Hello ladies... I've been totally AWOL from BDW (and busy on FertilityFriend), but I just got my BFP and wanted to share!!! We've been trying for 9 months, so while I'm totally excited, we're also feeling a bit cautious about it.


Anyhoo - just wanted to pop in and say hello!

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Originally Posted by Kelly C View Post
Well I just got back from my doctor appointment. I failed my diabeties test. Not cool. I have to go to the diabetic doctor on friday, he wants me to test 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Then he will reavaluate things. He said I didnt completely fail but I got a "D". LOL.

He also said we will probably see her between july 4th and 10th.
If you have any questions please feel free to PM me, I have had gd since week 6. I am in a good routine now and pretty much have it under control. My diabetes dr told me she wished all patients were like me. Ah...geez!

Originally Posted by Jenn View Post
Hello ladies... I've been totally AWOL from BDW (and busy on FertilityFriend), but I just got my BFP and wanted to share!!! We've been trying for 9 months, so while I'm totally excited, we're also feeling a bit cautious about it.

Anyhoo - just wanted to pop in and say hello!
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I'm not prego or planing on it anytime soon I just love reading the storys and what elce is there to do on 12 hour night shifts with nothing going on but to read 152 pages of babys


Its really cute the first few pages with girls who have there babys in there siggys talking about wanting to know the sex of the baby or showing there baby bumps with the baby pic underneath it :)


Congrats to all of you still expecting and the ones of you who already have there bundles of joy :)

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yari your too cute. How did they know at 6 weeks? He said that I didnt completely fail I just got a "D" so he wants me to eat normal for 2 weeks and test and we will go from there. But I will definetly keep you in mind if he starts cracking the whip.

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