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Mommies to be check in


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Glad to hear everyone is doing well...

Everything is going good over here. I have another U/S scheduled for 4/6 and then a doc appt. 4/8. After that i will start my ever two weeks.


Mrs. Martin with my first daughter I did have that with my contacts. I read to up your salt. My neighbor is having the same issue. I had lasik since the last baby so I dont have problems this time.

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Good Friday everyone!!

I'm doing well. Growing, getting kicked, same old same old!

I'll be 24 weeks tomorrow! :) My next appointment is next Friday, so I'll be 25 weeks. I assume I'll come in once more at 29 weeks and then it'll be every two weeks? Wow! That's crazy! i can't believe how quickly time has gone!!

This weekend we are starting to work on the nursery, so I am SUPER excited!!!

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Hi everyone! I've been reading your thread for awhile but didn't want to chime in too early :). I just had my first ultrasound today and saw a beautiful beating heart! It's still pretty early and I am really hoping everything continues to go well. I've been battling nausea for a week or so now as the pg symptoms set it. But it all means things are working down there with the baby so I am okay with it!

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Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ View Post
Hi everyone! I've been reading your thread for awhile but didn't want to chime in too early :). I just had my first ultrasound today and saw a beautiful beating heart! It's still pretty early and I am really hoping everything continues to go well. I've been battling nausea for a week or so now as the pg symptoms set it. But it all means things are working down there with the baby so I am okay with it!
Congrats Andrea! Good luck with your pregnancy!
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Oh Andrea, I am so excited for you...Does this mean it a weddingmoon baby? I know you have been trying.


Okay girls, any one else have terrible pain in your who who? When I stand up and start walking its like stabbing pains. It works its self out, but then I feel like my pelivic is popping. Does that make sense?

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Andrea- congratulations on your pregnancy!!! Like Kelly said, try eating anything that sounds good because the important thing is to eat something. I was the same way in the beginning and now I can't stop eating everything in sight (except for steak, that's still gross to me). It will get better, just hang in there!!


Kelly- no, I haven't had those pains yet. But, you are a month a head of me so maybe that's why. I have read that those pains are common though. Are you still getting them this week?


How's everyone else doing?! My DH finally was able to feel the baby yesterday and was so excited. However, I think he's more paranoid about me now that he felt the baby because he wouldn't let me bend over yesterday or he was just watching my every move making sure I was ok! He's so funny!

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Hey everyone! Just realized that I haven't chimed in for a while.


Andrea- Congratulations and welcome to the soon-to-be mommy club! :) Sorry to hear you've got MS but, hopefully it will be gone before you know it!


Mrs. Martin - that's great news about the hubby! Mine was extaticly the same the first time he felt the baby move too. He's still very much amused by it. Even just feeling the hard lumps on my stomach and trying to guess the protruding body part is fun! I guess in never gets old! :)



I am doing pretty well just, much more easily tired and feel like my little one is trying to hide under my ribs. I also feel like I move 2mm/hr! LOL and I'm deffinitely waddling! Hubby thinks it's adorable, I think it's annoying. We're still not done with the nursery but as both of us walked by the former office and looked at the mess, decided that we need to clear it out by the end of the week and paint next week (possibly). I also made the pre-natal appt with the pediatrician for Sat. I'm starting to feel like the to-do list is getting longer and the time is running away from me! Baby G better not decide to come early! That's all I gotta say:)

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