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Mommies to be check in


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Congrats Mo!!!!!!!!!!!



As for the eating question, I go in spurts. There will be days that I can't eat enough and then days when I'm not even hungry. It's been like that for me the whole 9 months. Weird!

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I was like that for a couple months but I eat like I normally do, just 3 times a day and maybe a snack around 11am and another around 4ish. At first I was only eating because food was around and I thought I was hungry, but I think I was eating too much so I had to limit myself.

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She sits on my right side. And if I lean or lay that way too long she pushes me. Right now shes still breach so I know its a fist not a kick in my side. Its the craziest thing. I did have flutteres one night cuz I was push back on her so she started fluttering her feet down low. It was pretty funny.

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Hi ladies...

I have to be very quick- but am happy to report Jada Marie Selly was born Friday February 6th at 11:01 am. I went in around 12:30am because my water broke, contractions started about 1:00am, around 7:00am I broke down and ordered the epidural, started pushing at 9:00am, and she was born at 11:01am.


Now, for the crazy part! She was 9 lbs. 14 oz. (at birth- thank goodness for the epi. :)) and 20.5 inches long! She was a big baby! She is very precious and beautiful, and we could not be happier!

I am uploading a picture now.. so it should be on here soon.

Hope all is well!


CONGRATS Mo! Sounds like you had a smooth delivery! He is adorable!

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