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Awww Karma - you're so sweet. you can't talk all sappy to a bunch of pregnant girls....you will make us cry. I agree though, I'm not sure what I would have done w/o the support of the girls here.


I think James is finally understanding BDW. Through the wedding he thought it was stupid, but now that I can come here and get all my questions answered about our son and learn so much - - he loves it!

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I got this from her on Friday. I haven't seen that she's posted any pics either sad.gif


Hannah is here, im typing one handed now holding her. She was born at 2:55pm on Wednesday after a relatively painless delivery, thanks to an early epidural! It was such an amazing experience. I only pushed for 10 minutes and after 3 contractions worth of pushing she was out! She was bigger than we thought. She was 7 pounds 7 ounces (our wedding date was 7-7) kinda neat coincidence and 19 1/2 inches long. She looks just like Steve! I'm so exhausted so i will try and post pics soon after a little rest.

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Hi Girls! How is everyone feeling? I hope everyone is feeling well. Thanks again for all the well wishes the past week!


Lisa- It's Tuesday so I'm guessing you have a Dr.'s appointment today! LOL...can you tell I'm excited for Luke to get here. How have you been feeling? Any contractions/cramps lately? Let us know what the Dr. says when you get back!



As for me, I'm still doing pretty well. I slept in today so I feel better than I have been. Recovery has been pretty good. I have only been taking Motrin and I'm not taking much of it anymore. It's the sleep deprivation that is hard, but I think my body is adjusting and it's totally worth it!


I do have to admit though, I miss being pregnant a little bit! Steve and I had said Hannah was going to be our last, but we have both mentioned in the past week the possibility of just one more. :-)

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I'm glad your recovery has been easy Karma. Im so done with being pregnant, but I know once I deliver, I will miss being pregnant too.


I went to the doc today and Luke is still pretty comfy in there. Still not dialated and cervix still closed. He's still saying he's pretty big and not sure if I will be able to deliver vag.


We did schedule an induction for 11/24. My due date is 11/19, so I'm hoping Luke will get scared and want to come before we have a mandatory evacuation...lol!!


I'm still feeling really good. No more cramps and i've been having very few BH.


I just had my mom and 2 aunts over and we all cleaned the house. They wanted to do it for me before Luke arrived. It was so nice of them!!

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Karma, I'm glad you're having such a good recovery! I can't wait to see more pics of Hannah.


Lisa, I can't believe you're so close!!! I'm antsy already, so I can't imagine how you're feeling. That was so sweet of them to clean your house. I think I'll have to mention that to my mom in a few months...lol!


I had my 25 week appointment yesterday. I gained 4 lbs. in the past month, which the doctor said is perfect. I'm right on track to gain about 30 (give or take a few), which I'm very happy with. I did the gestational diabetes test and it was negative. I've been lightheaded lately and my cbc showed that I'm slightly anemic, so I need to start taking iron. Other than that, no problems. The baby is on growing on schedule and seems to be doing perfect. I have another appt. in 4 weeks and then I need to start going every 2 weeks. Oh, I went and registered on Sunday which was overwhelming but exciting.

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Lisa- That was exactly how I was feeling last week too. Just a few more days. I am really glad that your doctor didn't have you schedule a c-section and will let you try first. After Hannah came out a whole pound more than what we thought she was going to be, I really don't have much faith in estimates. I'm crossing my fingers that he is the perfect size for your pelvis! (Ok, that sounded kind of weird, but you know what I mean) LOL!


Lizz- It sounds like you are gaining great! I gained around that amount too. The good news is that if you plan on breastfeeding the weight really does melt away quickly! Yay, for almost going to 2 week appointments. Once you start going every 2 weeks the time really flies by after that.

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Karma, CONGRATS!!! Hannah is beautiful! Every time I've been on here lately, I've been holding a baby- and we all know how fun it is to try to get a complete thought out typing one-handed!!! So happy everything went well for you!



Has anyone heard from Lisahuh.gif I'm wondering if little Luke decided it was time??




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Originally Posted by LisaG View Post
Nope - he's being stubborn like his mommy. I'm feeling very achy today though. We have a surprise party to go to tonight for James' dad. Sooo not looking forward to that!

Here's a pic I took last week - 39 weeks.
Click the image to open in full size.

Awww.. You look adorable! How are you feeling today Lisa?
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