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Mommies to be check in


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Martha, my BIL does the same thing, he actually has to sleep with some sort of breathing machine hooked up to him at night. It's actually pretty funny looking, looks like he's pretended to be a cast member on Starwars.. lol Anyway you should go to a sleep clinic so they can test/treat you.

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My dad actually had that too. It's sleep apnea. It was really scary and he'd stop breathing all the time! He went to the sleep study thingy and they found out he was only getting about 3 hours of sleep because of it! So they gave him a machine to sleep with (looks like Gonzo). It worked like a charm.

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I haven't mentioned it to my doctor.....I called my mom (nurse) and of course she freaked out....She thought I had called my family doctor after it happened before, but I never did.


She said that we don't really swallow when we sleep so maybe my saliva glands are working too hard for some reason. And she also mentioned sleep apnea.


I wonder if there are different forms of sleep apnea? My ex husband has this. He would snore SO loud then all of the sudden stop snoring then start gasping for air. He would never wake up because of it though.


When I woke up I had a lot of saliva in my mouth and I just needed to swallow it. I guess the saliva was keeping me from breathing? It's kinda hard to explain.



I will call my OB in a little bit. Well, I need to call the nurse, he is not in the office on Wed., he works at the hospital.



Sorry if all this is TMI.

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I'm so flippin made at myself right now. I was going to give the dog a bath but James says no cause i'm here by myself and he doesn't want me trying to hold him, bending down and washing him by myself...blah blah blah....whatever...I'll find something else to do.

So I decide to do laundry. Well I'm going through the doorway with the laundry basket and I don't turn the basket and it rams into my stomach! Argh!!! I'm sure it's ok but crap it hurt. I hope I didn't knock little man around in there sad.gif

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