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Mommies to be check in


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How is everyone doinghuh.gif


We had our second sono yesterday. Jay got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat. It's beating at 148!


The baby was moving SO much!!! It looked so cute!!! We couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl because she/he had it's legs closed! ha! We go back in 6 weeks for our 30 week though!


I got bumped from Nov 8th to Nov 3rd, so I guess they are counting me as 14 weeks now? I dunno how this stuff works! ha!


My face looks horrible but the sleepyness is going away and I never got much nausea! Yay!


How is everyone else doinghuh.gif?

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I'm off of work because my feet/ankles/calves are SO swollen! I don't have high blood pressure or protein in my urine, so they aren't concerned about pre-eclampsia. You would not belive how HUGE my legs are! Yesterday I went to school because my students, then the teachers had 2 more showers for me (already have about 70 thank-you's to write from friends and family showers- now have about 70 more!), and I walked my students down the stairs out to the bus and SO know why I'm not there! I've been off since last Monday, and just need to keep my feet up.


At my U/S 2 weeks ago (when I was 33 weeks), he measured at 5 lb. 15 oz.! I have an U/S every week now because of my gestational diabetes (which is not bad at all), but they'll check his size again next week. Hopefully that first measurement was off! I'm afraid because DH was 10 1/2 lbs., and the diabetes could make him bigger.


Glad to hear everyone's updates!


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Martha - I'm glad your appt. went well. I love those sonos!! Too bad it's legs were crossed....that stinks.

Amy - I'm so sorry to hear about your legs and feet are so swollen!! That must hurt really bad. And 140 thank you cards....holy crap!! At least you have something to do while you're off. I think the measurement might be high - IMO. I think they are almost always off when they try to measure the weight....lets hope so anyway!


I've been feeling good up until yesterday. My stomach started hurting like I'm really, really bad constipated, with a few sharp pains every now and then. It was hurting so bad last night, I could not even stand up straight. It's weird cause I had like 3 BMs 2 days ago so I don't think that's the problem, then nothing yesterday. My 12 week appt. is Tuesday but I'm going to call this a.m. to see if I can come in today instead. I'm officially 12 weeks tomorrow, so I don't think they will care. It's a little scary cause normally I would say it's just constipation and deal with the pain, but with a little one inside of me....I don't think I should blow it off. Anyways, other than that I have not had any sickness and feel good.

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Martha it sounds like you are really doing well, so happy to hear that.

Amy, I hear you on wanting to be off, teaching is not an easy profession for preggo's. I put a box under my desk to help me keep my feet up. Wow that is a lot of thank you cards, you guys must have gotten so much stuff, that is great!

Lisa call the Dr. asap, I am sure everything is okay but you need to call.


Okay here's my update...my little stubborn girl finally decided to turn and now she is head down, so now I just wait. I am feeling huge and uncomfortable, its starting to get really hot and I am constantly overheated. I have last period off of teaching every other day so I leave early and take a nap. I am truly in the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy, the Dr. said I am right within the correct size and that everything looks great right now, so just have to wait another 6 weeks!

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I can't believe I finally get to post in this thread! lol! yay!


Well I had my first Dr's appt on Monday this week. It went really well. We got an ultrasound and all is well w/ the baby. We were able to see his/her heartbeat! SO fun and exciting! Obviously it's still pretty early in the pregnancy for me, so nothing too exciting to report. I'm feeling mostly ok. Starting to get pretty queasy if I don't keep something in my stomach and getting really picky about foods - NOTHING sounds good! lol! I've eaten a LOT of cereal lately since that's the only thing that doesn't sound gross half the time. Otherwise I'm just really sleepy and waiting around for this baby to grow! ;-)

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Amy - I hear ya on the big baby fear - as if we diabetics don't have to go through enough, we also get a huge baby (well, I am Type I, but same consequences!)! Hang in there!


Glad everyone is doing well, despite some discomfort. That's probably my biggest complaint now too - I have a hard lump in my side and my upper left belly, I think one is a butt and one is the head. But we will find out on Friday for my 30 week checkup.


I will have weekly appointments from here on out - woohoo! That baby won't be able to do much w/o me knowing about it. Except I will skip next week, since I will be in CA (not looking forward to that 4 hour flight!), and then AZ to visit my mom.


Oh, and I broke a toe yesterday - which makes walking really fun. I had a little waddle going, now I also limp. Paul calls me Igor!

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I'm glad everyone is feeling good with the exception of uncomfortable and quizy :)

I just got back from the doctor, so this was technically my 12 week appt. since we went ahead and cancelled my appt. for next week.

We heard the heart beat for the first time....aawww....it was 160 bpm. He said everything sounded great. He told me for my uncomfortable stomach issues, since it wasn't down low where the baby is, but up high between my ribs - - to start taking Tums everyday and to start taking a stool softner. He said it should ease my pains. So all is well and I freaked over nothing. I appologized for freakin and he assured me that nothing is a freak and I can come in anytime...that I don't even have to call first...then he hugged me and told me that he wants "us" to be safe & healthy. So sweet!

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