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Mommies to be check in


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Hi ladies,


I haven't been on this forum in such a long time!  I just came back to work from my maternity leave, so now I actually have time to get to a computer and catch up on the forum.


I hope everyone is doing well!  I have to read through these posts and see if I find any of you that were pregnant at the same time as me to catch up!!


My daughter, Sabrina, was born (very painfully!) on November 3, 8.8 lbs & 20 in.  She's adorable; such a great baby!!  My son, Matthew, is almost 19 months and he's just a ball of energy.  It's difficult with them both so close in age and both so little right now, but i'm glad we decided to them close in age because we're not planning on having any more.   Here are some pics of them:  



sabrina 3 month.JPG

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Aww Mrs. Martin, your kids are adorable. My little Chloe is turning 9 months on thursday, they grow up so so fast I feel like I just had her! She said mama for the first time yesterday and it pretty much melted my heart!


I just got her these robeez cowboy boots, haha so cute!


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