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Just dont tell him that twins have nothing to do with him its all you girl hahaha


And I'm so jealous I want twins so bad I can taste it... but I guess I have to start trying before I can have anything haha


Double Congrats!!! You can do it, as soon as you get the hang of it things will be just fine, but it will be something to get use too :)

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Kayte- OMG, twins!! Congrats!!! That's so exciting! Start taking belly pics right away because you're going to start growing so quickly!!


Well, it's still very early but I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was positive!! I didn't sleep all night, I had so many stressful thoughts going through my head. My dh and I did want to have our kids close in age, so we are prepared for this. We have a lot of support from our family so I know as stressful as it will be, everything will be fine. I'm actually more worried about being sick during pregnancy and dealing with Matt. I remember just wanting to sleep my first trimester and there's no way I can do that anymore. I have to make a doc appt, so I'll keep you ladies posted when I get more info.

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OMG Congrats Mrs. Martin! My friend was super tired and sick with her first pregnancy. She is pregnant again. Her baby will be one in April and she is due in August. She said this pregnancy is really different. She isn't as tired or sick at all.

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Congratulations!! That's so fun that Matt will have a sibling so close in age!!


Although, I'm right there with you. Kora is 7 months old and I was SOOOO sick when I was pregnant. I'm not sure how I would do that. But you are right, you'll do it with the love and support from your family! And... hopefully you won't be tired at all!!

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Thanks girls!


Stacey- good luck ttc!!


Kat- I hope I'm as lucky as your friend!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I thought about you today because I finally bought a Spophie. I can't wait to give it to him when I get home!


Trisha- Is Kora teething? Matt's just been crying and is so fussy- very unlike him. i can tell the teething is getting worse because he always wants to bite something and he's drooling so much more. I feel so bad for him, but it seems that nothing really takes the pain away.

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