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Mommies to be check in


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Ugh. They shouldn't say anything until there's hard and fast proof. Really, it just makes for stress that's not called for! Good thing your DH is an ER doc - he can reassure you! I work in ER and ICU so I bounce things off our physicians all the time. cool.gif


Our appt. went fine. I'm doing a shared model oc care between my OBGYN and my GP. My OB will see me somewhere around 8-10 weeks and then not again (unless complications) until 28 weeks. My GP will see me for all the inbetween. My u/s is at 18 weeks. Standard for Canada. DH and I decided against prenatal screening too - doesn't give a definitive diagnosis of anything and we figure we will just play the hand we're dealt. If baby is fine than GREAT! If baby isn't fine than we'll figure if out. My cousin has Down's and my sister has developmental delay -- seriously neither are the worst thing in the world. I'm more concerned with other birth problems/defects! We figured why stress ourselves out for the remaining 7 months? Whats done is done. Anywho, next appt. is the end of March so now all I have to do is enjoy myself while I don't have any morning sickness!

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Hey ladies!! Thanks for all your encouragement... it turns out everything looks fine! We had our US done and saw a heartbeat and everything =) Now all of my worrying seems silly!


We got to tell my parents yesterday, although my mom said she already guessed b/c I didn't offer and wine and wasn't drinking any while I was making dinner - duh! So I finally got to talk to her, and she said she never got sick during pregnancy either... so that made me feel better too... it's not so weird I'm not nauseated or vomiting!


Sloan- so exciting everything is going well for you! I was thinking about you on Wednesday. I don't think we'll do the optional birth defect screening b/c even if they found something we wouldn't do anything differently. Keep us updated!

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Wow, I haven't visited this thread in so long! Congratulations to all of the new mommies and new pregos!!


Originally Posted by jmb0902 View Post
So I was having my first appt and US on March 8th- but after blood tests on Monday they moved it to today! So I am both excited and scared... my hCG was 51,000 and my Prog was 44,000 - which they said is kind of high. The RN said that could mean a few things - my dating is wrong, a molar or ectopic pregnancy, or multiples.


So I understand they are just trying to give me options- but when my husband and I looked up numbers I am totally within normal range for 7 weeks! Why would you even say the words ectopic or molar pregnancy to a first time mother?!?! My husband is an ER physician and said that numbers would be in the hundred thousands for molar pregnancy and prog would be low in an ectopic. I am kind of upset with them b/c all I've done is worry and cry the past two days - and I know that's not good for me or the baby! Sorry, I just needed to vent a little bitcrybaby2.gif


Sloan I know your appt is today too- can't wait to hear how it went! Happy thoughts your way =)

I'd be super pissed off with them too - what's the purpose of worrying a mother like that? Maybe she just mentioned that so you understood why they moved your appointment? Who knows, but it probably would have been a better idea to just say they wanted to move your appointment up just to check in on things and not go into grim detail!


And not to worry about to feeling the nausea... count your blessings! I've known more than a few people who have been lucky enough to experience very few symptoms (or at least the bad ones!) throughout their pregnancies.


Kayte, honestly I could have cared less about the results from our 11 week prenatal screening ultrasound, it was just fun to see the baby before 18 weeks!! That's the ONLY reason we did that ultrasound! :)

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Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
Kayte, honestly I could have cared less about the results from our 11 week prenatal screening ultrasound, it was just fun to see the baby before 18 weeks!! That's the ONLY reason we did that ultrasound! :)
LOL. We thought about doing it just for the u/s too! Just to have a quick peek at the little one! 18 weeks is going to feel like forever for that first u/s!
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Originally Posted by Sloan View Post
LOL. We thought about doing it just for the u/s too! Just to have a quick peek at the little one! 18 weeks is going to feel like forever for that first u/s!
18 weeks! wow pregnancy is such a waiting game!!

Wait to take a test, wait for your first doc visit, wait for the first u/s, wait for next u/s, wait for baby ahh its crazy!

I'm not TTC or prego but some of this stuff is just scary for me to want to try

But I just love love babies ! haha

Good luck girls!
And congrats all the new mommy's!! (jealous)
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Originally Posted by Sloan View Post
LOL. We thought about doing it just for the u/s too! Just to have a quick peek at the little one! 18 weeks is going to feel like forever for that first u/s!
It does feel like forever, it's just cruel when they make us mommies to be wait so long! 18 weeks is pretty much the mid-point of the pregnancy!

If you do go, it'll be worth it IMO. They didn't tell us much about what they were seeing during the ultrasound anyways, just the cute stuff (look, there's his hand etc) that we wanted to see. A couple of weeks after they sent us a letter in the mail detailing what the ultrasound found, most of it I couldn't understand anyways, but there were some pretty cool stats like the heart rate etc that were in the letter. We're putting the letter and the pics in baby's keepsake box - I think it's pretty neat to look at, and I think she'll find it to be pretty cool to see what her stats were when she was only a little 11 week old fetus!
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Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
It does feel like forever, it's just cruel when they make us mommies to be wait so long! 18 weeks is pretty much the mid-point of the pregnancy!

If you do go, it'll be worth it IMO. They didn't tell us much about what they were seeing during the ultrasound anyways, just the cute stuff (look, there's his hand etc) that we wanted to see. A couple of weeks after they sent us a letter in the mail detailing what the ultrasound found, most of it I couldn't understand anyways, but there were some pretty cool stats like the heart rate etc that were in the letter. We're putting the letter and the pics in baby's keepsake box - I think it's pretty neat to look at, and I think she'll find it to be pretty cool to see what her stats were when she was only a little 11 week old fetus!
Courtney- Did you have a 3D US done (in your siggy)? Was that expensive? There are some places here that do it, but I haven't really looked at it... when did you do it? Thanks!
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Yes, we did the 3D ultrasound and it was AMAZING! I would recommend it in a heartbeat!! I couldn't believe the detail we could see and we got soooooo many great images of her. Plus it was nice to watch her and focus in on the cute things about her, not necessarily the medical stuff (which is also cool!).


The ultrasound was about $200, but was a gift from my parents... although, had I needed to pay for it on my own I would have in a second. No regrets whatsoever and definitely worth the money IMO. If you're considering it, DO IT, you won't regret it!! :)


Oh, and we had it done at 25 weeks, which they told me is the earliest they like to do it since that's when they start getting cute and chubby. monkey.gif

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So here's an update for ya! Played my last hockey game on Sunday, had a bit of spotting afterwards. No big deal, just old stuff and no cramps. Called my GP on Monday - she saw me right away. Sent me for serial beta HCG's and an urgent ultrasound to check viability of the baby. She felt there was likely nothing wrong because my cervix was still closed (TMI) and my spotting was really next to nothing. So fast forward to this morning. I go for my ultrasound. The tech said she couldn't divulge any information regarding the scan just because of the nature of it (urgent scan) and that the radiologist would read the ultrasound and call my GP with the results later. So I get a phone call at 140 (am supposed to be at work for my ER shift at 200)




TWINS. I'm having TWINS. Both of them are apparently fine and both have good strong heartbeats according to the radiologist. OMFG. I bawled my face off. I kept saying, but I only wanted one! My GP just laughed at me. My poor DH almost had a stroke when I told him. I guess there are 4 sets of twins on his Dad's side of the family that we didn't know about. None on my side and I haven't taken any fertility drugs. Must be something in the water -- I know 3 different people that have had twins in the last 3 years. OMG. I'm in complete shock. Excited, but scared.. holy crap. How am I going to manage TWINS!??

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