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Worst gift ever..


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It was this little bird's nest with two plush feathered birds sitting inside. And I kid you not, it still had the dollar store price sticker on it that said 1.00!

It was from FI's seriously crazy cousin a few years ago for our Christmas gift exchange. It is the only gift I have ever thrown directly in the garbage before it even got into my house!

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An aquaintence of mine, an older woman, got us an engagment gift. I know it's the thought that counts, but...it was a ceramic fruit basket, in it, was ceramic fruit. The basket wasn't even nice, what was supposed to look like round twings, were flat and sharp. Ok, all thing aside, we could take the fruit out and use the basket (even though it was ugly). But, NO! The fruit was attched to the bowl!!!


It probably doesn't sound that bad, but trust me....

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Mine was from this years birthday, this past January. Someone got me a plate design kit, ok so some of you may think it doesn't sound bad, but it's a plastic plate, and it's something that I would get a 5 year old, in fact the instructions even say at the ordering screen "this is where your parents are going to have to help you complete" (or something to that effect)


I know this person thinks I'm crafty, but umm what the heck I'm I suppose to use a random plate design for?

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I got a little furry fake kitten one time. It was made out of some kind of real fur, and was shaped to look like it was curled up and sleeping. However, when I opened the box it was in, it seriously looked so real that I panicked and since it wasn't moving I thought it was dead! It was horrible!!!


My poor mother had meant it as a joke type gift since I wanted a kitten SO bad and couldn't have pets where I was living at the time. It was meant to be funny, but it seriously startled me so bad I couldn't ever get past it....I "lost" it when moving back to Texas! lol!

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My fml once gave me a bright red, lacey thong for mothers day in front of his entire family. Plus, we don't have any kids! This was a good year and a half before we even got engaged! I think she is trying to hint at something.

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My ex-boyfriend got me Trivial Pursuit for Christmas one year. Doesn't sound so bad, except that I HATE that game and had mentioned that many times. He bought it because he wanted it. When I opened it, I just said, "I hate this game. Why would you buy me this?" Selfish jerk.

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