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Since my guests are idiots... (no name on responses)

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So if you don't have the envelopes now do you have to call around? What a pain!


Yup.l I'm going to wait until my deadline, then call around. Its a process of elimination- I sent Spanish and English versions and I wrote in the total number of guests invited. I have a pretty good idea which guests got which version, so I'll just wait and see.


Originally Posted by starchild View Post
I love that your aunt requested chicken fingers - lmao!!


We're going to have some good converstations on Saturday!

I know! Can't wait!


Originally Posted by PaulaV View Post
Now that's just silly... .like you don't have 100 other things to do than figure out who the heck they are from!


EXACTLY! I try to brush other things off and not get po'd but this just bugs me. It's really unnecessary.
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LOL sorry to laugh at your distress, but it sounds like the kind of crap my bf's friends would pull!

And I can definately see a family member or 2 trying to order off the kids menu... there's some in every crowd, don't worry! lol

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Originally Posted by Yari View Post
Seriously, are people that forgetful?

I love the idea of the invisible ink! I just told my FI and he said we can make our own ink with lemon juice. WTF! I said, may I just go out and buy a freaking pen. LOL!
That's what you get when you marry a chemist...lol That could come in handy one day, you never know when you need some emergency invisible ink!
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