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I am double pissed .....(Vent)


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Vent #1 - Okay - so yesterday my boss brings in this girl for a position that we aren't even sure we will have available and the first thing he says is that she can take over one of my job duties which has been a project that took months in the making and is very detailed.


So after I have busted my hump for all these months, he wants to give it to someone else? I know he is trying to lighten my load but it still pissed me off. Not to mention that my annual reviews are WAY PAST DUE! WTF??


Then he brings her in and buys her lunch and drives her back downtown where she works! Am I a little jealous over this - yes - because he never buys me lunch! I am more pissed that he didn't tell me that they were bringing her out. If I would have known I would have been better prepared. The whole thing caught me off guard. She was asking what the job duties were and I was like a fumbling idiot! Not to mention that she was wearing these skin tight pants and white sweater that you could totally see through! - Oh yeah - and the gold 3 inch spike heeled boots! I work in a firehouse so this is not the most appropriate attire to wear - I know she was doing it for attention. Whatever!


Vent #2 - A lot of my uncles wifes family whom I have known for a long time (I stood with them while in college) are coming to our wedding. Well next month my uncles daughter (my cousin) is graduating so I was going to drive down to see her and go to the party, etc. Initially I was going to go with my sis and her kids, but we got into a big drama fight, so that is out. FI never really wanted to go and after the fight with sis I still intended to go esp since I found out all of my aunts family is coming to the wedding it would be nice to see them.


I never got a chance to ask FI if he wanted to go. Well - every year this dumb ass guy he knows at work has a golf tournament. Well - FI NEVER goes. So of all times- this golf tourney is the weekend I wanted to go out of town to the grad party.


Anyhow - I just hung up with FI - I told him I printed out the info for the golf tourney. He says - "oh I want to go to golf, I just dont want to go to the party afterwards because it just turns into a big drunkfest". He says - "by the way - what day is it" - I tell him the day - he says "Oh, isn't that the weekend you are going out of town?" - I say yes. He says "oh if that's the case - maybe I WILL go".


I explained to him about all of the family there who are going to the wedding and maybe we should go and see them since he hasn't met ANY of them.


His response - "Well if there is a chance of running into your sister there than I'm not going."


I am SO frustrated and pissed at him right now that I could just scream.

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Oh no, I am so sorry.


As for the first vent...WTF!? Tell that skank to get a better attire and stay away from your duties.


And now the second vent...talk to your FI and tell him how important this is to you. Perhaps once he knows the importance he may change his tune.


Good luck!

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It might be too soon as well from the whole Sister episode for him to put himself in that position. It has to be extremely awkward for him. Especially if he thinks that any of the other family might find out. I am sure that is not how he wants to meet your family for the first time. Just be patient with him. He has a reason to be standoffish. As for the hoochie your boss is bringing in.. WTF?! Is he trying to get some after work delights?

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first, that skank better get a decent outfit for working in a firehouse.


second, i cant really say i blame your FI for not wanting to possibly run into your sister there, regardless of the fact that he hasnt met that part of your family yet. any way you can find out if your sister is still going, so if she's not you can tell your FI and he will go?

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I'm sorry you're dealing with this!


First of all, that little tart didn't really show up in a see thru sweater?! OMG!


Second, give your FI a break. After all the drama, I understand where he's coming from. But talk with him about it. And point out to him that if he doesn't come, sis wins. Guys get that...

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Lol well thats one way of getting a job lol I wouldn't worry you normally find the novelty wears off with them and they go back to the hardworkers.


As for FI I can't really blame him I probably wouldn't go either, he'll probably feel he's been judged all the time and the further he stays away from her the better, she has no ammo then.

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Okay - I have calmed down since. Yeah - FI will probably get a pass on the OOT trip. I just hate the thought of him being aloe with a bunch of drunk bimbos at the golf course.


I totally trust him - it's just the thought ya know?


As for the girl yesterday - I am going to talk to my boss about it tomorrow. (the part about he could have warned me he was bringing her out) OMG - you guys should have seen her yesterday! She totally wore those clothes for the reaction. Mind you I am the only staff person who works in the firehouse. The rest are all firefighters. I pretty much keep to myself and while I have relationships with the guys they are mostly like my brothers. She works downtown in the admin building - but still - I would not wear that to work. Maybe the sweater with something underneath it and a skirt - but not all of it together.


It wouldn't have been so bad separately - but all together the outfit shouted "LOOK AT ME AND MY BIG BOOBS" to all 15 men here.


Yes - I am being territorial - this place has been my home for the past 7 years and I haven't had to share with anyone. While she'll be working in another building far away from me, we still have to work together.


Anyhow - I am leaving early today - it's my little girls birthday! She wants fruit skewers for her class - so I'm going to do my mommy duties!


Thanks guys for listening to my crybaby ass vent!


Love ya!


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