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Meal Plan & Recipes from my nutritionist PM me if you want it


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Hey guys! (sorry for taking so long with this) I wanted to post the recipes and meal-plan that my nutritionist did for me but the file is too big to fit on here. If anyone is interested please PM me your email and I will send it to you. (or if you have a good idea as to how I can post it on here please let me know) This, in conjunction with the other tips that I provided below and Anne Lindsay's New Light Cooking book really helped me get my body on track and shed the weight.



1) don't eat any food for about 12-14hrs between your dinner at night time and your breakfast in the morning. it takes on average about 14 hours for your body to fully digest all the food in your stomach. This helps to regulate your food intake as well and you'll see that you feel better if you eat your dinners early and not right before you go to bed


2) its good to kickstart your metabolism in the mornings and to cleanse your system. Take half a lemon and squeeze the fresh juice in a glass, then fill about half the class with water. Drink this on an empty stomach. This helps flush out the toxins in your system and speeds up your metabolism for the day. Within the first few weeks of doing this you might notice a bit of breakout on your chin, face etc... also you might find that you sweat more. The reason for this is that your body has many toxins in it, and your skin is the largest area through which they can be eliminated. **note: use only fresh lemon juice, don't use the pre squeezed stuff**


3) plastics make their way into our system through a variety of ways, and the female body recognizes the plastics as estrogen and stores it as fat. The "estrogen zone" is the area of your stomach, butt and thighs that generally collect fat on a woman's body. If you have issues with these areas then these next tips might help you. Be aware of plastics entering your food and try to stay away from things that could have it in them.

- don't reheat your food in tuperwear, rubbermaid, plastic containers in general...when you do this, small traces of plastic are secreted into your food and you ingest it

- you can store your food in plastic containers, but wait for it to cool completely before putting it in. Take it out to reheat.

- if you drink milk from plastic containers, bags, cartons (lined with plastic) you're also ingesting alot of plastic. Milk is put into these containers while hot, and some of the plastic melts into it. If you can buy your milk in glass this is the best way to do it


4) soy milk and soy based products are amazing for women. Soy is not only a good source of nutrients but its also recognized in your body as a plant estrogen. It is natural and helps your body eliminate the fake plastic estrogen that might be stored there. Also, it helps you to burn carbs quicker. The soy molecules stick to the carb molecules (I forget the proper name for it :S ) and help pull them out of your system. YOu should be drinking about 1/2 a cup a day of soy milk, at least. Be aware of sweetened soy milk though, if it doesnt' say that its unsweetened then it has sugar in it. Anything high in sugar isn't good for you.


5) anything in excess, sugar, carbs, etc... are going to be stored in your body as fat, so keep it all in moderation


6) its good to eat WHOLE foods. For example, if you eat a potato eat the skin too, if you eat the apple eat the skin as well etc... Each food as a whole has all the specifications needed to be able to help you properly digest it and also eliminate it. That means that when you eat a whole potato for example it will be digested and properly eliminated, if it isn't then the extras will be stored as fat.


7) eat whole grains, and seeds (not roasted or salted). Try to eat about 10 almonds a day, they contain the proper fats needed for your body. Also its good to eat the seeds "alive". What it means is, before eating them try to soak them in water for about 10min. This wakes them up in a way and makes them active. When you eat them this way you get more out of it.


try to eat everything organic if possible. Non organic food contains extra medicine, antibiotics, nutrients, vitamins etc... you don't need these extras in your body. The extra antibiotics and so on are turned into fat by your body, so try to stay away from it.


9) try to eat something every hour, even something small, it will help to keep your metabolism raised throught the day. It will also prevent hunger and cravings, so you'll eat less as a whole and are less likely to binge


10) drink lots of water...if you're also excercising try to add another liter or two to whatever your'e already drinking. Some cravings that you think are for food are actually cravings for water. It will help you stay hydrated, less hungry and also help your skin out. Don't wait to be thirsty before drinking water...if you're thirsty you're already dehydrated. Remember also that you need water to process some of the food in your system.


11) eggs are good for you but in hardened form they turn into bad cholesterol. Don't eat hardboiled eggs, omlettes etc.. The best way to eat an egg is soft boiled. The hardened yolk is a source of bad cholesterol for your body and is in turn stored as fat (like everything else)


12) stay away from margarine (its plastic in soft form...horrible for you) and try not eat butter too. If you can find a Flax based margarine then that would be good, and/or put a little bit of olive oil on your toast instead


13) you need fat to burn fat. Just make sure you replace the bad fats (like cheese, sunflower oil etc...) with good fats like almond butter, olive oil

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No problem! I hope that it helps! Unfortunatley I scanned it upside down and I don't know how to fix it, so you might have to rotate it in Adobe.


Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 View Post
Thanks for these great tips. I'm going to PM you now.
Monica, I emailed you the file, if there are any issues with it let me know.
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Thanks for taking the time to write out those tips. I think we all wish at one time or another we could see a professional nutritionist. We all think we "know" how to eat well but make choices to do otherwise, but these tips might help someone realize there are better ways to do even the things they think are healthy.

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