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Rachel's Las Caletas Review/ Wedding Recap

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Originally Posted by Leia78 View Post
Great review Rachel! Funny (but very informative) as usual. How bout some pics of you in your dress?!? Congrats on becoming a MRS. smile29.gif
I don't have any yet! I have begged for others to send photos. No one has yet. Don't they realize how impatient we brides can be?!
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Beautiful Pics!! I admit, I scrolled down and read your recap- you are too funny! I think Hans and I need to visit LC during our HM. I'm so curious after seeing all your weddings! Maybe we'll do the Rhythms of the Night tour, hmmm.

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Hi Rachel,

Congratulations! Great review by the way and read it all and laughed and teared up too! I have a question for you about daylight (I am actually about to hand over my cc to Nicole to reserve my date for LC next April) so I am wondering about daylight. How much time after the ceremony do you think you actually had to take pics? I figure between March and April there isnt too much much of a difference so I am just trying to get an idea. Thank you!



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What a great review Rachel!! I'm impressed as to how much you remember, in such great detail. I think my wedding day is going to be one big blur to me.


I totally laughed by butt off when I read what your dad said about the music! LOL!! That's something my dad would say too.


I'm so glad everything went so well. I can't believe you were so laid back about burning a hole in your DRESS!! Not many can say they (a) burnt a hole in THE dress; and (B) immediately got over it! Props to you!!

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