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Happy Birthday TA Jill!

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Originally Posted by TA Jill View Post
Well, I told him I wanted a cake with sweet frosting, I don't like the whipped cream frosting, I like the really sugary sweet stuff, lol!

So he picked a cake and asked the person at the bakery if it was the sweet frosting, they looked at it and said yes. It had tons of frosting on it and oreos cookies, lol!

He put it down on the table and told me about talking to the bakery person to find out about the frosting, I took one look at the cake and said "I think thats whipped frosting" and sure enough it was.

It was still really good though, chocolate inside. But it's going away tomorrow.

I want the damn carrot, hahaha!

Mmm sounds scrumptious maybe you should send me a piece. Think it would make it? LOL
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Jill I'm so glad it was your b-day yesterday or else I would have felt pretty stupid. LOL.


The cake sounds fabulous, although I'll admit I want nothing to do with it. LOL. I could just picture my thighs growing as I licked the frosting! I would have no self-restraint so I would have killed James if he brought that cake home! S&M.gif

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