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I'm using the boarding passes for my (in)formal invites. For all but the cover page, I'm trying to decide if I should use the palm tree in the main portion as well as stub portion of the tickets. I know I want it on the stub, but I'm torn about the main part. Is it too plain without the tree, or is it too busy with the tree.


I figured I'd take the question to the experts: So, which will it be; with or without the tree?


Here's with:


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Here's without:


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My first thought was I liked it in the main section, but upon closer inspection, I decided that I like how its on the right side stub, with your little logo on the left stub, like you have it, and NO palm tree in the main section.

Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
It's too busy with the tree in the main section, in my opinion...
Maybe you could put the "times 00:00" in pink, to add more color to the main section, if that's what you wanted? Just leave the "date & event" in the blue/green color?
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