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Shower Gift from Bridesmaids!


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thats not right mo.....


first of all $250 EACH for paper products and the gift?!


second, the bridesmaids shouldnt need to buy a gift for the hostess... she volunteered. maybe something small and appreciative, but nothing big because she volunteered and the whole reason why she did was because she didnt want it to be expensive for the BMs!


there has got to be a less expensive way to do all that. $250 then the cost of the alcohol you bring too? "that aint right," as my FI would say (which he stole from some tv show haha).


$250 x 5 = $1250!


the paper products (cups, plates, maybe even plastic silverware, and napkins) should not run more than $200 total. then if each BM is responsible for 3 bottles of wine and 2 cases of beer, that still should not cost more than $75 per BM. then for the shower gift, if each bridesmaid contributed around $100, thats still MORE than enough to get a really nice shower gift. i definitely think even all that can be done cheaper than what i listed...

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that sounds very shady! Why don't the BMs just supply the papergoods. split up duties- like one person brings cups, one brings plates, etc and if you want them to match then have one person go buy everything and then split the cost after you actually know how much it adds up to.


and as for a gift, it seems counter-productive to buy the hostess an expensive gift when she is trying to save you money. I think the bride normally gets a gift for the hostess anyway.


My BMs didn't throw my shower b/c my Godmother wanted to do it so I got her a gift as a thank you but it never even crossed my mind that my BMs would have given her a gift. Just my opinion.

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Usually when I am a bridesmaid, we all put in about $200 which includes food, alcohol and gift. $250 for just paper products and a gift sounds like a lot to me. And the fact that you have to still buy alcohol is going to definitely add to the cost. Are you close enough to the MOH that you can say something to her?

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are these gold plated paper products? Um that is freakin crazy, not a shot in hell I could pay for something like that, nor would my friends ever plan anything that costs that much money.

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It looks like you will be paying for the shower after all, I agree with Maura... $1250!!! You should get a list showing exactly what you're covering and what kind of gift you're getting for the bride. I've thrown a few extravagant showers in the past and they never came up to this price, especially when we divided them among 5 people.


The bride usually brings gifts for the hostesses and it doesn't matter how much money you're putting down. You're putting money down and should be recognized as a host, ask to be included. I can't imagined how much money she would of asked for if you were supposed to be throwing the shower. Ask a lot of questions.

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Ummm... tank top, bears? As gifts for guests?


$1,000 honeymoon cert.huh.gif?? Who decided that everyone would pitch in for this? That's crazy!!!



No way! I would put my foot down!


And, the BRIDE should be buying al of you hostess gifts since in reality you are ALL paying for it? Is her mom going to pay you all gifts for pedis too??

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