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Foster dog brag..


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aw tammy those photos are so precious. i cant imagine how you can give up your foster babies... i would be a mess everytime! i totally admire what you do, its so amazing!

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Actually read this article..




Alyssa, yes the potential forever family will be coming by our house on Sunday, they are driving 2 hours to meet Elsie and if I can't talk them out of getting her or I can't convince Elsie to be mean to them, then if all goes like I expect it to she will be adopted.

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Cool I just signed it. Although I do feel that isn't enough. I didn't pledge any money because I don't know if I trust that site 100%. Tammy do you know of any sites which the donations go strictly to the animals??

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Umm I could name a ton.. :-)


But their is a place that takes all the dogs that no one else wants. They actually took the Micheal vix pitt bull fighting dogs.


They are called "Best Friends animal sancuary (? spelling) they are located in Utah. They help all aggressive dogs (by training them to become domisticated) they help the extreamly sick and they even trade healthy dogs that they have done work on with hard to place pets.


I'll see if I can find their website, I know DH has it but he's already left work (crap I need to leave too)


I'll post later. But over all any local shelter or animal rescue group I'm sure could use the money because most of the run on donations alone.

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We donate food for the cats at the local cat shelter on base. We're very fortunate to have extra time to help contribute to the shelter. Every second weekend I got do the many kitty litters they have. What i enjoy most is loving them. I seriously wish i could take them all home....


I would love to have the site Tammy as i would like to make a monetary contribution. Dogs don't deserve this crap, especially Elsie. Thanks again for making a difference Tammy. I respect you and look up to you as not only a strong individual but a one of a kind woman with a big heart.

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