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I think I hate my dress now

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We are always most critical of ourselves. I'm sure you look beautiful in it!!!!


If FI knows you bought dress #3 and thinks you're wearing that one, but you like dress#1 better, why not wear #1? He'll think you're wearing #3 and be suprised when he sees you in #1....just an idea

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I think by the time the wedding day roles around your FI won't even notice the dress. He will more than likely be delightfully dizzy from the sight of YOU in it. I don't know about you ladies, but my fi-fi hardly notices some of the things i wear. When you put the whole thing together you will look so different from your fitting!!! You should post pictures!

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I feel your pain. I am now a two dress bride because of this same thing. I thought I loved my first dress. It was everything that I wanted... until I saw photos of me in it. Then I HATED it. The worst part was that everyone else kept saying 'oh don't worry, you look great.' Honestly, I'm sure to many people I do... but to myself, I looked horrible. And your wedding is YOUR day! YOU will have to look at the pictures for the rest of your life so YOU need to feel amazing. It sucks, and it cost me a lot of money to realize this... but I'm now in LOVE with my new dress.


With that said, I think you should wear the first dress which you like. Even if your FI has seen you in it. It'd be kind of funny actually. He thinks you are getting a totally different dress... but you wouldn't. Ha. Funny joke.

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Although I'm sure you look nothing less than stunning in the dress, I'm going to have to agree that you need to be happy in what you're wearing!! Don't go with something that you hate, but everyone else loves. This is going to be YOUR (and your FI of course) day so you need to feel as fabulous as possible!! If it means wearing a dress he's already seen, then so be it!!!

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You know- I hated my dress when I saw the pictures after my first fitting- but I love it after the 2nd--- I was really pale and needed to lose a few lbs and just not happy with my overall appearance in the first one- it wasn't the dress as much---- so with that being said- I'd take a few days and then go back and try it one and see if you STILL hate is as much----- I'm sure you look amazing in it!

But I do agree with the other girls-- wear what you feel beautiful and comfortable in!! It's your day!!

and post pix!! :):):):)

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I'm sure that you look beautiful. I had a similar feeling when I bought mine too so I can relate. I tried it on and LOVED it, then I saw the cameraphone pics my MOH took and I thought I looked horrible and huge. I hated how my body looked in it. But everyone re-assured me it was the pics and in real life it didn't look like that. I think that when you see a picture you sometime focus in on a specific area and you don't take in the whole image. Its more than just about the dress, its about you and your personality and your face etc... when all those are combined you look different than you think. And maybe it was just a bad pic from a bad angle. Don't stress! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED :) YEY!! and you're going to look gorgeous!

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I agree with eveyone here. I'm sure you look great in it, and you're probably just focusing on something that was produced by a bad angle in a not great picture. When you're all done up, and have professional photos, I'm sure it will be a huge difference, and you'll wonder why you ever worried about it! If the veil makes you feel better, I think you should wear one. In my opinion, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to wear a veil. My wedding is in Hawaii, and I never considered not wearing a veil, because I had always imagined wearing a veil for my wedding, and location was not going to stop me! Anyway, I'm sure you look great in that dress, but you could always go back to the first one if you like it better. Your FI won't be expecting it, and isn't the surprize the whole point? I don't think it's a big deal that he's already seen you in it. Whichever dress you wear, I'm sure you'll look amazing.

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