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"wedding day shape up" - Article

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Ana, I'd be really interested in seeing your nutritionist's plan if you're willing to share.


I don't think I could survive my workouts on only 1200 calories per day. That was the only thing about that article that I didn't like. Everybody starts from a different place, so I don't think we should all be cutting our calories to the same level.

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I've been frustrated with my weight loss plan as well. I wouldnt go dress shopping until I had lost 10lbs. Well I lost 8lbs and now want to lose an additional 5 lbs for the bikini I'm wanting to get into, but seem to be at a stand still. I've changed my diet & increased workouts, but I cannot seem to lose weight. I used to be a soda addict & have heard the stories that if I cut that out I could drop a lot of weight. Well, I've cut sodas out completely and have replaced it with water, but still didn't drop the weight that I want. I'm just trying to stay committed and hope that I will be okay...especially since my wedding is soon after Thanksgiving. I might need to lose a couple of more pounds for that.

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Originally Posted by Ana View Post

Back at the beginning of December I was hospitalized with a bad gastrointestinal infection, and while there I lost the weight in the blink of an eye, morphine and only IV for food I guess will do it. But it didn't stick, as soon as I was back on solid food it all came back smile35.gif
Thats strange so was I! I was hospitalized in january for 3 days. I have always had stomach issues, hence the reason i don't like most food that is out there, because it makes me feel sick. But this was the stomach flu that just got worse because of pre existing stomach conditions. I just recently got my hospital bill msncry.gif and I have really good insurance! --ur lucky you live in Canada!
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Originally Posted by arhoyaltres View Post
I've been frustrated with my weight loss plan as well. I wouldnt go dress shopping until I had lost 10lbs. Well I lost 8lbs and now want to lose an additional 5 lbs for the bikini I'm wanting to get into, but seem to be at a stand still. I've changed my diet & increased workouts, but I cannot seem to lose weight. I used to be a soda addict & have heard the stories that if I cut that out I could drop a lot of weight. Well, I've cut sodas out completely and have replaced it with water, but still didn't drop the weight that I want. I'm just trying to stay committed and hope that I will be okay...especially since my wedding is soon after Thanksgiving. I might need to lose a couple of more pounds for that.
I totally feel your pain, like i said earlier, i was stuck at the same weight for so long...and it would make me fall off the wagon. But now that i have a wedding coming up, i have more motivation not to give up. Have you tried changing up your work out routine? I have been working out with a trainer and I have seen him for about 4 months 2 times a week and we have NEVER done the same routine, not even 1 time. I didn't realize when they say change it up, how much they really mean...to change it every single time. Also something that helped me cut down on bread, try replacing sandwiches with wraps (whole wheat) and then slowly move from wraps to wraps with Kale or mustard greens.
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Originally Posted by sunnydaes View Post
Thats strange so was I! I was hospitalized in january for 3 days. I have always had stomach issues, hence the reason i don't like most food that is out there, because it makes me feel sick. But this was the stomach flu that just got worse because of pre existing stomach conditions. I just recently got my hospital bill msncry.gif and I have really good insurance! --ur lucky you live in Canada!
Oh no that's terrible! I'm sorry you were in the hospital its not fun! sad.gif For me it was a medical error that put me in the hospital in the first place. I had my wisdom teeth removed, and the dentist prescribed a really strong antibiotic. It shouldn't have been prescribed in the first place because it comes with like a 90% chance that it will cause C Difficile, its a superbug that totally destroys your colon and in some people its fatal (*side note but a lady here in Vancouver died in February from this at the same hospital I was at). Anyways, it wasn't fun and with all the morphine I was on + tests + medicine etc... I don't even want to think about what it would have cost. I'm glad that you're feeling better though...I think stomach issues are the worst.
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Originally Posted by Pisces View Post
Ana, I'd be really interested in seeing your nutritionist's plan if you're willing to share.

I don't think I could survive my workouts on only 1200 calories per day. That was the only thing about that article that I didn't like. Everybody starts from a different place, so I don't think we should all be cutting our calories to the same level.
I will scan and post it tomorrow. I meant to grab it on my way out to work this morning, but I didn't have a chance. Anyways I really like having it. Its not so much for following step by step because it can get a bit tough, but it provides good guidelines for what to eat, what quantity and at what frequency. Plus it gives really good recipes and substitutes etc..

Also, I don't know if anyone else has heard of this book, or if its available in the US, but its called Anne Lindsay's New Light Cooking Amazon.ca: Anne Lindsay's New Light Cooking: Anne Lindsay: Books

Its a wonderful book! (pretty much my bible) It was written in cooperation with the Canadian Medical Association and a registered dietician. The great thing about it is that it provides light cooking options but it gives you tips for substitutions depending on your diet or preference etc, it also gives you the nutritional breakdown of the dish just like on the food products at the supermarket. Its a great educational tool and has information on all the different food groups, diabetes, cholesterol, and at the end it gives you a chart to determine how many calories you should be consuming. The recipes are great too, and they don't taste like they're low in fat. I found this to be really helpful on a day to day basis, because I can really control what I eat now and I know exactly what I'm putting in my body.
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Originally Posted by arhoyaltres View Post
I've been frustrated with my weight loss plan as well. I wouldnt go dress shopping until I had lost 10lbs. Well I lost 8lbs and now want to lose an additional 5 lbs for the bikini I'm wanting to get into, but seem to be at a stand still. I've changed my diet & increased workouts, but I cannot seem to lose weight. I used to be a soda addict & have heard the stories that if I cut that out I could drop a lot of weight. Well, I've cut sodas out completely and have replaced it with water, but still didn't drop the weight that I want. I'm just trying to stay committed and hope that I will be okay...especially since my wedding is soon after Thanksgiving. I might need to lose a couple of more pounds for that.
You shouldn't worry too much about the extra few pounds just because if you're working out alot you might have put on some muscle..and muscle weighs more than fat. Have you tried maybe eating a bunch of healthy snacks and food all day long, so every hour have something, an apple a granola bar etc...? when you eat often you increase your metabolism and you're less likely to eat a high calorie meal all in one shot.

I'm going to post a few of the tips that my nutritionist gave me which won't be in the book with the meal plan, recipes etc:

1) don't eat any food for about 12-14hrs between your dinner at night time and your breakfast in the morning. it takes on average about 14 hours for your body to fully digest all the food in your stomach. This helps to regulate your food intake as well and you'll see that you feel better if you eat your dinners early and not right before you go to bed

2) its good to kickstart your metabolism in the mornings and to cleanse your system. Take half a lemon and squeeze the fresh juice in a glass, then fill about half the class with water. Drink this on an empty stomach. This helps flush out the toxins in your system and speeds up your metabolism for the day. Within the first few weeks of doing this you might notice a bit of breakout on your chin, face etc... also you might find that you sweat more. The reason for this is that your body has many toxins in it, and your skin is the largest area through which they can be eliminated. **note: use only fresh lemon juice, don't use the pre squeezed stuff**

3) plastics make their way into our system through a variety of ways, and the female body recognizes the plastics as estrogen and stores it as fat. The "estrogen zone" is the area of your stomach, butt and thighs that generally collect fat on a woman's body. If you have issues with these areas then these next tips might help you. Be aware of plastics entering your food and try to stay away from things that could have it in them.
- don't reheat your food in tuperwear, rubbermaid, plastic containers in general...when you do this, small traces of plastic are secreted into your food and you ingest it
- you can store your food in plastic containers, but wait for it to cool completely before putting it in. Take it out to reheat.
- if you drink milk from plastic containers, bags, cartons (lined with plastic) you're also ingesting alot of plastic. Milk is put into these containers while hot, and some of the plastic melts into it. If you can buy your milk in glass this is the best way to do it

4) soy milk and soy based products are amazing for women. Soy is not only a good source of nutrients but its also recognized in your body as a plant estrogen. It is natural and helps your body eliminate the fake plastic estrogen that might be stored there. Also, it helps you to burn carbs quicker. The soy molecules stick to the carb molecules (I forget the proper name for it :S ) and help pull them out of your system. YOu should be drinking about 1/2 a cup a day of soy milk, at least. Be aware of sweetened soy milk though, if it doesnt' say that its unsweetened then it has sugar in it. Anything high in sugar isn't good for you.

5) anything in excess, sugar, carbs, etc... are going to be stored in your body as fat, so keep it all in moderation

6) its good to eat WHOLE foods. For example, if you eat a potato eat the skin too, if you eat the apple eat the skin as well etc... Each food as a whole has all the specifications needed to be able to help you properly digest it and also eliminate it. That means that when you eat a whole potato for example it will be digested and properly eliminated, if it isn't then the extras will be stored as fat.

7) eat whole grains, and seeds (not roasted or salted). Try to eat about 10 almonds a day, they contain the proper fats needed for your body. Also its good to eat the seeds "alive". What it means is, before eating them try to soak them in water for about 10min. This wakes them up in a way and makes them active. When you eat them this way you get more out of it.

cool.gif try to eat everything organic if possible. Non organic food contains extra medicine, antibiotics, nutrients, vitamins etc... you don't need these extras in your body. The extra antibiotics and so on are turned into fat by your body, so try to stay away from it.

9) try to eat something every hour, even something small, it will help to keep your metabolism raised throught the day. It will also prevent hunger and cravings, so you'll eat less as a whole and are less likely to binge

10) drink lots of water...if you're also excercising try to add another liter or two to whatever your'e already drinking. Some cravings that you think are for food are actually cravings for water. It will help you stay hydrated, less hungry and also help your skin out. Don't wait to be thirsty before drinking water...if you're thirsty you're already dehydrated. Remember also that you need water to process some of the food in your system.

11) eggs are good for you but in hardened form they turn into bad cholesterol. Don't eat hardboiled eggs, omlettes etc.. The best way to eat an egg is soft boiled. The hardened yolk is a source of bad cholesterol for your body and is in turn stored as fat (like everything else)

...I think that might be it, I can't remember if I forgot anything...I'll add it in later if I remember.muscle.gif
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Oh I remembered two more things:


- stay away from margarine (its plastic in soft form...horrible for you) and try not eat butter too. If you can find a Flax based margarine then that would be good, and/or put a little bit of olive oil on your toast instead


- you need fat to burn fat. Just make sure you replace the bad fats (like cheese, sunflower oil etc...) with good fats like almond butter, olive oil

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Originally Posted by Ana View Post

3) plastics make their way into our system through a variety of ways, and the female body recognizes the plastics as estrogen and stores it as fat. The "estrogen zone" is the area of your stomach, butt and thighs that generally collect fat on a woman's body. If you have issues with these areas then these next tips might help you. Be aware of plastics entering your food and try to stay away from things that could have it in them.
- don't reheat your food in tuperwear, rubbermaid, plastic containers in general...when you do this, small traces of plastic are secreted into your food and you ingest it
- you can store your food in plastic containers, but wait for it to cool completely before putting it in. Take it out to reheat.
- if you drink milk from plastic containers, bags, cartons (lined with plastic) you're also ingesting alot of plastic. Milk is put into these containers while hot, and some of the plastic melts into it. If you can buy your milk in glass this is the best way to do it

Would have never of known this...wow, its kinda scary!!!! Thanks though, ill become more aware of it!
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