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New hair cut idea need some advice


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I love the first one of Katie, its super cute. I had the second hair cut (longer hair though but same bangs) about a year ago, and its really hard to maintain. The problem is that your bangs will be pressed against your head, so they'll only hold that straight shape when you actually straigthen it. After a couple of hours your natural face oils, hair oils and the outside elements (humidity, wind etc) change it and it won't look the same. I found I had to have a straightener on me almost all the time in order to maintain the look sad.gif its really hot in pictures though!

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I love bangs, just be mindful that summer is coming up and that means hot weather and more hair on your face. And be thinking about how you will do your hair for the wedding. IMO, I would wait until fall, so you have winter to let them to grow out if you don't like them

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Go for it! I think you should do the Katie Holmes way - Your wedding is far enough away that if you don't like it by then it will be better - and the bangs are long enough that you could clip them to the side if you don't love them right away! Let us know what you decide and make sure you take pics - just make the decision when you are sober this time LOL!

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Go for it. You know you're wanting to, so why the hell not? You've got a year to let them grow if you decide you hate them before the wedding. And I think bangs would be smashing on you!

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I think because you have plenty of time before you the wedding you should do it if it's something you've wanted for awhile. Every time I've cut bangs, I've wanted to grow them out almost immediately.. and yet I keep doing it to myself every couple of years.


I think it would be very cute on you.. What I would do is find a celebrity that you look like and see if you can track down a bangs photo.. that might help you visualize.

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