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Laser beams


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I had my first laser hair removal session today on my bikini area. I could barely feel a thing. Even if this just cuts my hair quantity in half it will be so worth it!


btw - when we woke up FI kept says "sharks with freakin' laser beams on their heads" to get me pumped for the appointment. So normal.

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I totally wanted to do this but couldn't make the dollars work for before the wedding. How many sessions do you plan on having?


Since I have darker, coarser hair it at least 5 seassions were recommended. At $300 per session and a wedding I couldn't swing it. I will totally try it after June though.


Have you thought about any other areas?

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Originally Posted by LALA View Post
I bought a package of 5 sessions. It was only $800 - they had this big sale after Thanksgiving.

I'm waxing obsessed so I'm sure I'll have other places done. Underarms, face, arms, legs...do it all!!!
That is how I feel! I am all about waxing...but can't wait to do laser removal...I can't quite afford it right now...with wedding and SO many house projects right now, plus we need a new washer/dryer & dishwasher. That will just have to wait. But I am glad you liked it...I can't wait to do it!
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Laser is permanent hair "reduction" because your body is constantly regenerating and some does come back. So some hairs stay away forever, some come back.


When I left the office I called FI and said "Even if 1/2 of my hair grows back this will be worth it." Not only did it not hurt, I literally only felt maybe 5 zaps at all - and there was no pain. I also have had no redness or irritation.

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Originally Posted by EDYTA View Post
im a full out waxer but wanted to do laser but heard that it hurts....kate it didn't hurt at all?
I've been getting waxed forever - legs since 2000, bikini since 2002 - with no shaving at all since I started. I even do my own legs now because it's easier/cheaper. So, I'm used to the pain of that - and bikini still hurts me somewhat.
With laser (at least my place) they have you hold an ice pack on the area for as long as you can stand. That hurts the most. Then they rub some goo on the zapper (I use really technical terms) and zap away. It really did not hurt. I was all ready for pain - but there was none. There were a few zaps that I could feel. They were startling, but not painful.
The best is that there is no pain afterward. I walked out fine. With waxing, you know how if you haven't gone for a while it is sore afterward? None of that here.
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