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Anyone having a party when they get back for guests who couldn't come???

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My FI and I are trying to keep our guest list to a minimum for Mexico. We are inviting only immediate family, a few extended (hard to draw the line), and friends. We want to avoid inviting the annoying cousin, loud uncle and crazy aunt. I come from a pretty big family and I do want to celebrate with everyone but I want Mexico to be more intimate. My sister got married a couple years ago and had about 300 people attend her wedding. There is no way we could afford to do that. We are keeping our Mexico guest list to 40 of our closest family and friends. We have decided to have a party the weekend following our return to MN. We are already spending enough in Mexico so its hard to find a place to have a casual party in October. It will be to cold to do an outdoor party. We are starting to consider a brunch reception/party when we return. is this tacky? Will guests expect more? I just figure we would already have had our celebration in Mexico, why do through the whole dancing and getting drunk thing again not to mention the costs.


If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts or if anyone else has done this I would appreciate your advice. Look forward to talking with you all.



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I wouldn't have one thats one of the reasons for the DW lol


I have no intention of inviting people I only see at weddings and funerals they may be relations but they aren't in my life.


Do what you want to do not what is expected and if they don't like it tough lol

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We are actually considering doing the same thing. We both feel really strongly about just having close family and friends with us during the ceremony. We are thinking of having a simple evening reception. We'd show a video/slideshow of the wedding, do some speeches, have some champagne and call it a night. We're thinking that we can probably keep it all under $4000, which is awesome.

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My FI and I feel the same way about inviting the people that we ONLY see once a year or at weddings or funerals. We probably will invite everyone to our wedding in Mexico but we know that MOST will probably not come. (expecting about 35-40 in Mexico). Then when we get back home we are going to do something SUPER small like a backyard BBQ type of thing to save on costs.

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We will be having a huge AHR when we return! The problem is that we would like everyone to be there including the ones who attend the wedding. We would like to have it the next weekend, but we think that we need to wait a couple weeks to give those who traveled a break!

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I was not planning on have a party when we got back for the people who could not come. We are are spending most of our money on our wedding. I am reconsidering now, after reading some of the prior postings. I did not think about possibly having something at my house rather than renting a reception hall.

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Thanks for your responses. We want to keep the costs as low as possible when we return. The problem is, we live in a condo so our place is out for the AHR. My parents have a very nice house but it doesn't have a backyard. I have thought about renting a park with tents and heat lamps b/c it will be end of Oct. when we have it. We just thought that a brunch would cut down on costs. But....now we need to find a place to have it!!!!

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