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First Ultrasound! :)


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That is very exciting news. I did not get my first till 12 weeks, and I get to have my 2nd on Monday where we hopefully (fingers crossed) get to find out the sex. My little one's heart beat was 158, so I will tell you if that myth is true for me. My nephew's heart rate was 162 when my sister was pregnant and he is a boy so those old wives tales are just that, old stories :) Congrats on the ultrasound!!!

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Are you going to find out what you are having?? I always swore after I had my son that IF I ever had another I would not find out. Well, ooopps, I now have a 2 year old daughter and I did find out. I could not resist. BTW Riley's heartbeat was 155 most of the time. I had way tooo many Dr appointments...lol

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