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First Ultrasound! :)


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Very interesting about the heart rate! I didn't know it was an old wives tale...I thought it was a medical deal.


Yes, we really want to know if it is a boy or girl. There is no way I can wait until November to find out!


Juie, good luck on Monday. I hope the little one cooperates!


Thank you guys! I really am on Cloud 9!

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I would say don't put your faith in any of those "if __ happens that means you're having a ___" deals. They were totally all wrong for me. Aiden had a super high heart rate and every other old wives tale pointed to a girl. He's very much a little boy!!! Even my dreams of a little girl mislead me.


I know it's fun to speculate though. You'll find out soon enough! It's actually good you have to wait awhile, because if you find out early, that just gives you all the more months to find yourself broke because you're buying every single cute outfit you can find!

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Martha, it's so tiny! So sweet! I've never seen an ultrsound of a little teeny weeny baby like that, I'm in tears, it's just so precious! Thank you so much for sharing!

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