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Ring exchange sort of?

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For a vow renewal, a lot of couples exchange rings. It is not a must, but a lot do this. Well, I really want to get my dh a new wedding band but he point blank said that I would be wasting my money because he wouldn't wear it. (He hasn't worn his original one since our wedding) because of his job. That being said, I told him then not to get me one and he says" I can get you whatever I want to"! He is thinking of getting me the 3-stone ring-the past, present and future ring of some sort. Well, my problem is, what could I give him then for this ceremony? We will be celebrating 25years and it is a silver anniversary, even though neither one of us really wears silver?? He is just too cute, he doesn't even want to see my dress I bought. He wants to wait until the ceremony. Got to love him!!


I don't know what to do!!

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I actually do not think you have to get him anything. My ex in-laws had a vow renewal and didn't exchange rings. Maybe his gift to you could be just that. I gift.....unless you want him to give it to you at the actual vow renewal?


You could always get him a new watch?

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First of all, congrats on many years of marriage! My friends just had their 40th year of marriage/vow renewal and didn't exchange rings.

Maybe you could just gift him with something he really likes. :)

Congrats again!

That is a blessing you guys have remained together all those years and a beautiful example for the rest of us just starting out! :)

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That is very awesome that you guys have celebrated 25 years and not only that but then you are doing a vow renewal. I agree you dont have to give him anything. But if you really feel you need to how about one of those titanium balance bracelets like the golfers wear or some nice cuff links?

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How about getting him something that he would like but wouldn't normally buy for himself, ie "I'm not paying that kind of cash for that!", then its something he really wants but didn't want to say he'd bought.


Like a nice painting or something that when he looks at it he will remember why its there.

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