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No gifts for parents - in poor taste?

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I'm torn, since both sets of parents are paying for half of our wedding I really think that they deserve a gift. I would be inclined to give them just a thank you card if they weren't chipping in a few grand for our wedding. I know my sister didn't give my parents anything and I was more offended than my mom was. I just think it's a common courtesy to show your appreciation for their support and monetary contribution. In all honesty they deserve the gifts more than the bridal party......well at least more than the groomsmen....ahhaha! I'm not saying it has to something over the top but just something from the heart.

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I'm not a parent but wouldn't present enough be that your offspring is getting married and is very happy etc etc.


I can't even imagine a "bought gift" that I would consider appropriate to give to my parents as a thank you.


I'm eastern european and in my culture you are expected to have massive pictures of your wedding on your walls so traditionally you just have that made for your parents as a momento and that's it.

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My dad isn't giving us a dime for the wedding, and FI's parents aren't giving us any $ to help pay for the wedding, but did say they are giving us a good amount as a wedding gift to put towards our house downpayment. However, to be fair I think we are going to give both sides a framed family portrait from the wedding, and a photobook of all the wedding pictures as our gift to them. Obviously, it will not be something we will be able to give them at the wedding.

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I didn't even know it was part of wedding etiquette, but then again there are sooo many parts of what you should and shouldn't do that I really don't know much about. Sorry I guess I can't be much help but I doubt we will be getting our parents a gift since we are paying for the entire wedding. I like a nice card and maybe a book made with the pictures idea.

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