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No gifts for parents - in poor taste?

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Is it considered in poor taste to not get gifts for the parents? FI and I are footing the bill for our portion of the trip including reception and photog, and our parents are paying for each of our immediate families. My parents are paying for me to upgrade my Sandal's wedding. I was thinking to get each set of parents a nice card with a very personal message inside thanking them for contributing to and being part of our day, and give it to them at our pre-wedding barbecue the weekend before the wedding. Is this in poor taste?

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I don't its in poor taste. Fi and I are paying for our entire wedding on our own with the exception of my dress which my mother paid for. In place of a "gift" we bought our moms dresses for the wedding and then once we get all of our pics I am going to make a photobook on shutterfly for each of our moms.

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I think a nice thank you card is great. I'm not getting my parents big wedding gift. I'm going to have an nice thank you card in their OOT bag. I'm also making hankerchiefs. The main reason why I'm not giving them a big gift at the wedding is because I'd rather make them coffee table books with the pictures after the wedding. That's something I know they will enjoy.

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I don't think we will do parent gifts either (accept a photobook of wedding photos later). We are paying for the wedding mostly on our own... and my mom actually told me not to do gifts (when I was trying to figure out what to get FILs.) She said it is totally not necessary. So we will probably just to a nice thank you card and then maybe something (excursion, dinner) with them when we are on vacation.

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I think it's fine. We didn't get our parents gifts. We paid for the entire wedding ourselves though. We did give them albums after the wedding. But honestly, neither of our parent's cared about getting gifts. They were just happy that we got married (especially my parents who thought I'd NEVER get married!).

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We didn't get our parents gifts - we mentioned them in our little thank you speach at the reception, and I have given both sets a photo book of the wedding. But it actually never occured to me to give them an actual gift at/for the wedding. Maybe because we paid for all of it on our own? I guess I never thought of it ... so my short answer is, no, it's not in poor taste!

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