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Wedding Disaster: location closing down....


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Hi Alyssa!! Because you phoned your guests to let them know of the change of plans, I think it would be best to first phone them to share the great news (they can also hear your excitement!) and them follow up with an email or printed card so they have a document to go back to...


Ohhh! I am so happy to know you have a second option.. sending you good vibes right now so that it all works out!!

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Hi Alyssa:


Fingers are really, really tightly crossed that all works out for the new venue!!!!


I think a phone call would be great. And then follow it up with a mailing of some variety.


By the way (and forgive me if it's still too soon for comic relief) I'd like to place an order for one of your old OOT bags - with the location crossed out and the new venue handwritten in with a big black sharpie marker. And the words "BDW Brides Conquer All" written below.


You've been SO good to all of us. Let me know how I can help.

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I justed wanted to update and let you girls know that we did receive a refund of ALL of our deposits yesterday. I have gotten confirmation from most of my guests that they have received them as well.


As for re-location plans - still up in the air - ran into some kinks but we are trying to work things out.


thanks again for all of your support, positive encouragement and offers to help - you all really are the best!

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Wow! What a nightmare! I'm sure everything is going to turn out beautifully and look at the bright side, you get to plan 2 weddings. Ok, maybe that's not helpful but I have seen what you have been working on and you have got it together! I think a newsletter would be great to send out. You don't have time for phone calls right now.



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