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Gifts for parents

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My FI's parents are footing the bill for almost everything and we really don't know what kind of gift is appropriate to get them. We don't have a price limit, although I would prefer not to go too far into debt haha. But we really want to do something super nice for them. We're talking beyond engraved photo frames with baby pics (which I absolutely love, but are not nearly enough given how much they're dropping for our dream wedding). We are also giving them a copy of our wedding video and having a special thanks thing to them put into the end of it, as well as a nice coffee table photo album after we get all our photos back. We were planning also on mounting our spanish invitation with a wedding photo and having it framed nicely as one of our Christmas gifts to them for 2008. Anybody got any ideas for a main gift though? Cuz we are just totally stumped on what to get huh.gif


i should mention also as a reminder that they live in Mx City...so keep that in mind...

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Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
what about setting it up so they can renew their vows while you're there?
i like this idea... i like it a lot. they will have their 35th wedding anniversary in april this year. but, that said, i feel like with all the insanity we will be going thru that 2.5 days we are there before the wedding, and the fact that my FMIL is essentially acting as my wedding planner, i dont know how we would pull it off. NOTHING gets by this woman, and much of our vendor stuff, she has set up, so everything goes through her. i really love the idea, but i dont know how we would do it without her knowing...
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Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
are you having a rehearsal? you can email or call the wc or hotel there and ask to have it set up for the day of the rehearsal....and mention that she absolutely CANNOT leak the secret....
yeah we are, and a family member of my FI's is the priest marrying us, so i know i could talk him into doing it. its just a matter of logistics of how we would pull it off..... i can arrange for a bouquet and everything, i can try to coordinate with my FSIL and FI to pull it off.... hmmmm i have some thinking to do haha and I will talk to my FI to see what he thinks, but I know we will also need to get another gift of some kind....

also, remember my one friend who is bringing her wedding photog boyfriend? he was planning on shooting our rehearsal and i could get him in on it too....
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